[FEDS] A Delayed Congressional Retrospective, and Some News!

Day 6,037, 05:47 Published in USA USA by Malpazar

"Hey, we did pretty good"
- Malpazar

I wanted to provide a short, congressional retrospective. A little summary, bit of analysis, wee amount of study. You know, lets talk about the results.

I think we did, pretty good! I would like to thank our voters for trusting us to deliver some high quality representation in the congressional chambers this election. We gained 5 more votes than the last election cycle, and while turnout wasn't perfect, nothing in life is! So as far as I am concerned this was quite the success.

Again, cannot thank everyone enough for their vote of confidence, we have some great folks going in, and awesome delegates as well. Now onto some more news.

Presidential Election Season

After congressional elections comes the big ole' Presidential election! And boy, am I hoping for a real nail-biter this go around. Or at least a competitive race, that would be fun. The Fed's have a primary format before we make our nomination so please, if you are planning to run and want to run for the nomination of the Fed's Please contact myself, or Paul Proteus as soon as possible.

And, that is pretty much it. No mood music or anything today, so check out this video I have been enjoying lately.

3 AM At SchmArby's
