[eUK][ATO] An Open Letter to New Era Members

Day 2,367, 13:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

To members of New Era,

You have been lied to. For the past two years, your party has been dominated by a select few individuals, excluding the vast majority of New Era's membership. Players such as Commander Dapper and BigAnt have railed against the injustice of an elite in TUP dominating their party for years, yet that is precisely what has occurred in your own party.

You have been used as nothing more than a voting machine for whatever agenda the traitors and cheats at the top of New Era have been pushing; enticed with supplies into joining the party and then being exploited by a tiny elite at the top of the party, who seek only to further their own personal aims and ambitions- that of controlling the eUK. They failed in achieving their aims by democracy, and have since turned to illegal means which have persistently undermined the eUK’s democratic nature.

The most recent of these nefarious plots was to use New Era congressmen to import accounts from eSerbia en masse to increase their own personal power; they have risked the safety and security of the eUK to push their own power-hungry agenda.

At the last Congress elections the New Era congress list was made up almost entirely of Serbian PTOers, with the addition of a couple of the members who have been dominating and exploiting your party for so long. These congressmen have since used their Citizenship passes to import yet more eSerbians into the eUK, pushing the risk of a PTO to critical levels.

If you want to see the extent of the problem for yourself look through the citizenship page for yourself here.

This state of affairs, I’m sure you will agree, cannot be allowed to continue. That is why, on the 15th of this month; the eUK Government, backed unanimously by the eUK community (UKRP & UKPP also supported but not ingame), will be launching a combined ATO on New Era and taking the party from the cheats, liars and traitors that have dominated your party; electing a candidate who is trusted by the entire eUK community, a man who has a reputation for being fair and unbiased- Mr Woldy. Having served the eUK six times as CP to great success; he will ensure that the interests of the New Era membership come first, not the agenda of a power-hungry elite. We, as the eUK Government, are not looking to destroy your party, that has never been and never will be our intention. We seek only to ensure that the congress list that is proposed on the 25th does not contain any players who would seek to bring in yet more PTOers to the eUK.

With Mr Woldy as PP the views and interests of the common New Era member will continue to be represented, even more so than they have been during the time when you have been led by a group of traitors who seek only to further their own agenda; caring little for the eUK or even for you, the loyal eUK member.

Therefore, I implore you to vote for Mr Woldy on the 15th, for the good of New Era and for the good of your eUK as a whole.

Thank you.


Adrastos, Vice President of the eUK, Co-ordinator of the ATO effort
Ayame Crocodile, President of the eUK
Kapten Johnson, Vice President of the eUK
Jayxm, Minister of Defence
Count Drakula, Minister of Defence
Dr Kawishiwi, Minister of Home Affairs
Sir Humphrey Appleby, Minister of Foreign Affairs, UKRP PP and Congressman
KieranB, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, PCP Vice President and Congressman
Zaphod the Kinky Psychopath, PCP Congressman, Speaker of the House
Rob the Bruce, UKPP President and Congressman
Neil Lewis, UKPP Congressman and ex-Party President
Yossarian Afudyakno, PCP Congressman
Mark Bones Berry, PCP Congressman
Lord Halifax. GBDP Congressman
CheetahCurtis, UKPP member, ex-Minister of Education and Home Affairs
Sambo911, UKPP member; ex-Minister of Defence
Ragnell, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kravenn, ex-President of the eUK and ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs
PaulusG, WRP member
Piran, TUP member

If you support the ATO and the content of this letter and would like to have your name added, contact any member of the Government or comment below.