[eNPR] Presidential Debate Stream and $2 Million Giveaway

6 days ago Published in USA USA by Derphoof

My fellow citizens,

Thursday is a momentous moment in the history of the IRL United States.

We get the earliest general election debate, between two candidates who have served as president! Not only that, but it features the two oldest major-party candidates to ever be on the ballot!

It’s the first presidential election rematch since Eisenhower vs. Stevenson in 1956!

It promises to be a weird wacky moment between two old guys who seemingly loathe each other beyond comparison.


Your favorite hosts, Derphoof and Paul Proteus will go live on eNPR on Twitch to provide live reaction and feedback to the first debate of the election season. We promise to provide the most milquetoast normie liberal reaction as we have a few drinks on stream. Join us in the chat, or as a live guest caller, as we witness this glorious event.

We encourage you to drink (responsibly) with us, as it’s the only way to tolerate this event.

On the stream, we will host a giveaway for two separate $1 Million Prizes. The link to enter will be found on the stream! We will draw halfway through the debate, and at the end of the livestream.

So, here’s the plan:

When: Thursday, June 27th @ 8:30pm EST.
Where: https://www.twitch.tv/eREPeNPR
Who: Derp, Paul, The Disembodied Head of JFK, (maybe Yui idk lol), guests, and the whole eUS/eRep Community.
Why: Have fun, and claim your share of $2M USD

Come out and join the fun on eNPR!