[Edit Day 2,865] Military Intelligence Academy

Day 2,863, 20:09 Published in Serbia Netherlands by Starac202

eRepublik clanak: Sluzimo eSrbiji Newspaper from Serbia not Turkey!

23.09.2015 MU SOF Global Security moze da funkcionise i sa jednim clanom za pocetak. Sve je u eksperimentalnoj fazi. Zahvaljujuci igri sam se na Facebook-u vise otvorio i stekao ZNACAJNA prijateljstva, sad se postepeno i u igri otvaram.

Konstrukcija clanka je stvorena, radi se na editovanju. (fine tuning)

24.09.2015 Saradnja sa Ministarstvom obrazovanja eSrba
27.09.2015 Saradnja sa strankom Samo Srbija
28.09.2015 Izvor informacija : Sluzbeni glasnik eSrbije

Military Intelligence Academy, duhovit naziv za oblik saradnje sa npr. Ministarstvom obrazovanja eSrba. Tekst ce biti redovno editovan; kritike su vrlo dobrodosle, mada je ovo vise VODIC za samog sebe. Igru sam ucio iz Wikija na engleskom. Savete nisam primao niti znam da ih delim.

Koristim se ovom jednostavnom medijskom alatkom za eksperimentisanje i suzdrzavanje od Facebook-a. Svakodnevno pratim vesti sa sajtova Ministarstva odbrane i Vojske Srbije i delim po Facebook grupama. Zadnjih nedelju dana mi je uspelo da se malo suzdrzim. 😉

Pokusavam RL Vojsku da kombinujem sa igrom, tako da clanci budu i edukativnog karaktera, a postepeno dodajem info o igri. RL Vojska je ipak na prvom mestu, igra me jos uvek ne zanima toliko.

* na negleskom i holandskom sam korisniji nego na srpskom
sam vrlo jak u matematici, organizaciji i arhitekturi racunara (jos 1979 sam radio kao programer na tel. centr.), kao i teorijskoj informatici, na cemu sam intenzivno radio 2002-2006 na holanskom, zatim neko vreme krpio polovne komp. u dobrotvorne svrhre. Od 2010 sam se izolovao od sveta i uopste ne pratim aktuelna zbivanja, cak mi je i PC zapusten.

* vremena kao nemam; "vreme treba stvoriti" sto bi rekli Holandjani.

eRepublik clanak: ORGANIZACIJA !!!

Starac202 😉 Recon Unit Amsterdam

donja informacija je nekada bila poverljiva:

14.10.2015 *SAMOCENZURA*

Trudim se da se sto vise sluzim engleskim (mada ne mora), jer od eventualnih kadeta 😉 tj. saradnika (koji ne moraju da su u mojoj MU) ocekujem znanje tog jezika ili zelju da se uci, pa da naucimo nesto (podelimo znanja) i o RL.


22.09.2015 na moj 56. rodjendan je Facebook stranica MO i Vojske Srbije podelila moj album; preko 1,5k lajkova 🙂

241st Fighter Bomber Squadron, 98th Air Force Brigade, Air Force and Air Defence, Serbian Armed Forces


Кабинет начелника
Генералштаба Војске Србије
www.vs.rs | vojska.srbije@mod.gov.rs

Minister of Education ZenTale

Сваки командант и члан команде је дужан да брине о својим војницима, а понајвише о најмлађим. Покушаћемо да остваримо сарадњу са командантима најбројнијих војних јединица све са циљем образовања и јачања нових играча. Преко њих, а и директно у комуникацији са ебебама ћемо покушати да још више популаризујемо поделу коју организује ово министарство, јер ће им то значајно помоћи у развијању својих налога. Међутим, основни циљ ове сарадње је образовање тих играча, тако да сваки командант може своје ебебе послати на наш канал или дати линк профила неког од нас. Ми ћемо се потрудити да им објаснимо основне ствари ове игре, да им покажемо како да правилно развијају свој налог и да им разјаснимо сваку недоумицу коју имају. Uputstva za igru

Minister of Defense elminjo



The Voice of eSerbia Official newspaper of the eSerbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Foreign Affairs nikol000

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is usually tasked with gathering information on foreign activities and forming relationships with foreign governments. They also work with other countries on the formation of Alliances, treaties, MPPs and are influential in both starting and ending wars. Much of the Minister of Foreign Affairs' work is sensitive, and as such, not always immediately available to the general populace. The Ministry is a generally diplomatic one and does not include talk of Wars often, although discussion does happen.


Asteria (Asteria) 6 members
Since 2014-02-11
Alliance Leader: Xx.Gunner.xX

Asteria Wiki
Voice of Asteria Newspaper

Future Structure of MU SOF Global Security pod pretpostavkom da cu igrati jos 10 godina 😃

- 72. извиђачко-диверзантски пук
- 72nd Reconnaissance-Commando Regiment

- 63rd Parachute Regiment

Vojna policija je privremeno odsutna!
- MP Antiterrorist Regiment Falcons
- MP Special Operations Regiment Cobras

Pukovi su nazvani po RL jedinicama (bataljonima).

Starac202 😉 Recon Unit Amsterdam
Ј-2 Управа за обавештајно-извиђачке послове 😎
Обавештајно-извиђачка јединица Амстердам
Марш на Дрину

Sta sledi je tekst o RL jedinicama adaptiran na igru, a linkovi vode na info o igri, koje cu postepeno dodavati.

Signal Regiment


- joint command over the signalling system of eSerbia
- protection of all information
- integrating signalling systems with other owners of telecommunication systems
- developing signalling systems
- planning the establishment of signal bases
- training signal personnel
- proposing the deployment, modernization and renewing of units and equipment
- providing telecommunications support of eSAF units as part of the civil authorities support mission in countering non-military security threats.


The Military Intelligence Agency has three missions:

1. Support to the state and military leadership in providing the intelligence information on risks and threats directed from abroad against the security of the Republic of eSerbia;

2. Intelligence support to the eSerbian Armed Forces in accomplishing its missions and tasks;

3. Representing and protection of the intrests of MoD and eSAF abroad;

We put all our efforts "in being the first line of defense" against outer challenges, risks and threats – in peacetime, crisis and war.

Our motto is: "Faster, better and wiser“


The Military Intelligence Agency, within its scope of work, carries out two basic functions:

•HUMINT function
•Defence Diplomacy function.

HUMINT function is achomplished in the Military Intelligence Centers of MIA.

Defence Diplomacy function is performed through the Defence Attache Officies, in accordance with the Laws and Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

Intelligence and reconnaissance function (sub-function) is also a part of the defense system and is carried out by the Directorate for Intelligence Affairs (J-2) of the General Staff of eSerbian Armed Forces.

The Military Intelligene Agency supports the intelligence protection of eSAF mainly at the strategic level. The support relates to: indications and warnings, intelligence protection, understanding of current situation, preparation and protection of forces. Support which is given to the protection of the forces is crucial in multinational operations abroad.

In order to provide timely support to the eSerbian Armed Forces in accomplishing the strategic intelligence protection, an adequate intelligence system has been established. Thus, the activity of expert organs of MIA as well as of intelligence elements of eSAF is organized in a such manner as to make functional part of support to the interests of the Republic of eSerbia and its engaged forces.

Nieuws van het torentje

Stara skola 😉

[Edit Day 2,865] Military Intelligence Academy