[E$O....P FRIXY AND SCOBA D] The Collab of titans

Day 2,894, 14:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Frixios of the Clyde

Yo Yo Yo,

This is a rap.

We ain’t no crap,
This ain’t no trap,
So go away you tree sap.

Scoba D and E$O….P,
We ain’t no number three,
We have the Frixy hyah,
We will be numero uno,
And you’ll be in ESO.

Yo yo, Scoba D take the stage

i would write something
If I could rap,
but i dont know that crap.
Like Frixy said,
This ain’t no trap?
You're a tree sap!

Top 5, Top 5.
We are Top 5.
Top 5, Top 5.

Your use of multies,
quite disgusts me,
Get a grip,
Before my fist slip,
lemme get my dusters,
for my knuckles,
cos u better have yer buckles.

BDP, or are you the titanic?
You can't save you ship
Cuz we're making it sink
And its making me pink.

Top 5, Top 5.
We are Top 5.
Top 5, Top 5.


