Win Gold and Tanks!

Day 1,329, 17:24 Published in USA Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

This is an extraordinarily simple contest. The last person to post wins! "Wins what?", glad you asked. How about one (1) gold and ten (10) tanks? And how about three winners?

I am usually around pretty late, when someone hasn't posted a comment here for an hour or two* I will declare a winner and the next round will start until we have three winners. I promise to show no favoritism. Also, pay attention during the daytime, if people quit posting it could happen then too. [*EDIT: It has been suggested that this could go on forever. People have been up all night posting and are frustrated. This is not good as I started this game to have fun. Effective day 1,331 09:00 eRep time, a post must occur ever 1/2 to 1 hour or I will declare a winner. If I am not around and it has been more than an hour since the last post, assume round #2 is over. Round #3 starts when people start posting again regularly. Thanks and enjoy!]

Prizes will be paid out by Wednesday or later if the contest is still going. I determine when sufficient time has elapsed between posts to declare a winner. Also, the next round begins when people start posting again.


Round #1 - Flying Trotsky, Day 1,329, 20:49
Round #2 - biaxident, Day 1,331, 09:55
Round #3 - jkli5, Day 1,331, 19:38
Consolation - Bezaban
Consolation - biaxident

Congrats! You should have received your tanks and gold by now.

jver doesn't get anything 'cause I work for him, he makes enough off of my sweat already! 😃