Weekend Update, Constitution, and Jobs Jobs and more Jobs!

Day 1,007, 19:22 Published in Switzerland USA by Paul Proteus

This Article of Good-Bye Blue Monday will be divided into three parts,
-Jobs, Jobs, and more Jobs
-Weekend Update
-The Constitution
Starting with,
Jobs, Jobs and more Jobs
As you know, the previous government has been pretty harsh on my government for the lack of jobs, and bad economy (WHich they had a loving hand in creating).

I admit, the situation was pretty desperate, until very recently (Thank you Titillate) I myself had no job, but my government has been on it, working on creating State COmpanies, well, we have news for them, WE HAVE JOBS! It's true, we have jobs,

Jobs up to level 4!

If I were a Noob, This would be my lucky day!
On to Part Two:
Weekend Update

Featuring President Proteus, and Vice President Turtl...I mean zRTx
Anyway, on to our government updates this week,
Starting with
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Lets Go Pascal!
I will write together with Penguin an article to recruit ambassadors, we had no reactions till today. I asked Xavibong to be our ambassador to eEspaña.

About immigration: Together with Penguin, we will try to attract people into eSwitzerland. We will start the promotion campaign in the USA to see the reactions on our call.

I think that’s it for the moment. From Monday on, I will be far more active, as my exams will be over.

Now that we got the SNB, let’s start some economical projects! Keep it cool, don’t show it if you are nervous and things will go. Don’t let Shaolins disturb you, they are starting a defamation campaign, show that we have a strong government.


Ministry of SOlidarity

All messages are sent by the ministry to all new players. I included the links of my profile and the ministry's profile as well. Also i gave them our IRC channel so we can meet up them here. I am awaiting responses.
-Jimakos Thess

We are also working on improving our communication techniques

Ministry of Economics
Lets start with buessnies first, I think that new wage is good idea and we will do it NP, we just need congres member for it...

As second, second I support any good idea and next time send me IG massage with your solution...

I will try to fix problem.... yeah we need raws companys , becouse raw its not cheep.... we will try to made a national companys for raw in some othjer country, for iron and oil... and we will made national companys in our country for Titanium and Grain!

that isnt problem.... also we will start training for low skills!

And im not think that making CHF stronger is good idea... nope becouse shaolins will made better profit then now!

They have 100k CHF in bank! soo we need to make currecy lower and stabilaize it on MM market...

For do that plan i need some congress memeber too....

Tomorow i will back to the active eswiss politics and i hope that we will make good job..

Again i apologaise for this 3 last days but u need to understand... when i loged here i haved 68 massage today... and 100 on IRC!

-Regards 1312 (Acab1)

On to Part Three:
The Constitution
As you all know being president is hard, and I have been constantly busy with many projects

There are perks though...Like Free Dental! 😛
Anyway, I have been working on this since the beginning! A new constitution for eSwitzerland. The previous governments have used the RL Swiss constitution as ours...It is ridiculous. First off: I am pretty sure that there is no need for an erepublik nation to regulate our national forests...That sort of makes me laugh. Also, hopefully with this constitution, we will not have the problem that every court case is about an insult...
Anyway, I am really excited, and soon it will be proposed for Congress to vote on. Anyway, expect something awesome! Also, it will officially make eSwitzerland Renouilleist! Well, here is a secret leaked photo of it being drafted!

Yep, thats Me, Penguin, Jimakos and F4uc0n!
Thanks for reading,

My God has spoken. I bow down to his impenetrable http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr--1496516/1/20'>awesomeness.

And, for your troubles,
http://graphjam.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/42.gif'>The Life, The Universe and Everything!