Visual Stories about Brknsword - Part #1

Day 4,771, 12:28 Published in India Cuba by Fernando de la Cromid

I thank Brknsword for agreeing to the part where he failed to help me during halloween event in his article. I hope I have answered all the issues he raised in that article there itself and to the point. This article will reveal several shocking truths and true face of Brknsword. I did not plan to release this article and I tried to solve this smoothly several times instead of going in public. But Visor challenged me to post this in public. I apologise to you all in advance. I didn't want to do share private message screenshots but I've no other option to prove I'm innocent as I'm currently banned from discord.

Long story short:

I spent 290K cc out off the 400K cc budget which was given to me when I was the CP during resource wars. I had to return 110K cc back to the govt. I returned 75K cc to govt. Brkn did not help me during halloween event so I left discord. Then the congress impeached me. I sent the remaining 35K cc to govt. Then Brkn plotted and informed in public that I "ACCOUNT BOOSTED" using houses and I did not donate 50K cc to Kael from budget and it was a loan return and claimed that I owe 169.5K cc more to the govt. I knew I didn't owe anything but I still sent 169.5K cc with frustration hoping he'll shut the mouth but many ppl still think I cheated the govt even though I was the one who lost 169.5K cc.

Proof that Brkn approved for 50K cc donation to Kael:

Proof that Brkn approved for houses I bought from the budget:

There was no problem till here.. After halloween the issue started. First I returned the 35K cc.

Then he plotted some random bullshit.

I just wanted to stop his bullshit coz I was already frustrated with the impeachment and not letting into India's discord channel. So I sent all the money he asked selling my precious gold without even calculating anything hoping he would shut his mouth.

But apparently he couldn't shut his mouth and shared an article dedicatedly to shame me.

Proof that he couldn't shut his mouth. Consider these as Bloopers before I end this article.

Founder of Indian Workers Party.