Top 7 useless things in Erepublik

Day 4,874, 01:36 Published in Lithuania Cuba by Fernando de la Cromid

1) Rocket Factories - If not for the missions, no one would have made this factory in the first place.

2) Q1-Q4 moving tickets - Plato doesn't give these tickets anymore. Q5 tickets are cheaper than the Q1 tickets.

3) Q4 and Q5 houses - If you have a residence Q4 and Q5 houses are simply useless. Residence is a must considering the recovery bonus from Central Park.

4) Low quality weapons - 99% of the times you'd be using the weapons for higher damage consuming less energy. This applies to aircraft weapons too.

5) Work Tax for low quality companies: WAM in a Q1 food raw company and a Q7 weapons company are charged with the same work tax which approximates to 20 cc. This is so unfair for new players in the game and players who build low quality companies for their survival.

6) Cities subsidy - 0.1% of GDP goes here and can be never used. For example if your country produces a GDP of 10M cc per day (including production of foreign companies), then your country loses 300K cc per month to cities subsidy which we cannot use.

7) Token market - A 5% tax on token market is just insane and ruins the interest of both seller and buyer from token market! But it's still the safest mode of transaction as you cannot be cheated.