Random free energy - 7 reasons I hate eIndian govt.

Day 4,872, 05:26 Published in India Cuba by Fernando de la Cromid

1) Govt. do nothing to improve treasury/national income or GDP besides being #1 in food and #1 in air. Learn from countries who earn in 10s of millions and at least try to implement 10% of what they do.

2) Taking tax money of citizens and giving it to foreigners (air concession).

3) Not investing on active and smart players.

4) Used me in resource wars as a CP to lead India and later impeached as a troll for just being emotional besides my success which came out off the same emotions.

5) Govt can't take critics. Troll instead of appreciating the enthusiasm. Simply bullies - kicked from discord for no reason.

6) Ask too many questions and proofs when trying to do something for the betterment of India.

7) Instead of calling me witty, calling me as witless, *itless and tatti.

Joke and counter comments welcome. I won't reply to bully comments.

If you are an Indian citizen in division 1 and also facing one of the above issues I can help you grow. Offer for only 1 citizen. All you have to do is send me a screenshot which shows the no. of daily orders you've done last week. For each daily order, you will get 2 tanks and 1000 energy. i.e. 14 tanks + 7000 energy if you complete daily orders for all 7 days.