Presidential Update

Day 2,357, 11:25 Published in India India by Calvinhobbes

hi everyone,

very briefly i will update, till i have something concrete to share

1. Argentina Air Striked Croatia on eIndia and has now moved to NE eIndia. owing to them being a large country and 2x influence(from the recent mission), it is unlikely india or croatia will be able to stop them.

2. Croatia as a result of above is most likely to leave eIndia for now, we wish them well.

3. Seeing Croatia leave Thailand has NE ed India. As we dont have any diplomatic ties with them as of now, we will be fighting them. NE against them has been proposed.

As events unfold, i will try to update u guys again. Be ready to fight hard and smart as per Battle orders. we are few but we will defend with all what we have. let us have some fireworks and some fun.

