Plato Kills All The Women

Day 1,324, 03:31 Published in USA Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

A dying breed. (credit Ethan Deluca)

Plato has killed off the last of our eRep hostesses. May Lana rest in peace. ~bow your heads for a moment of silence please~ First it was Carla, the perky little greeter that welcomed everyone to eRepublik. She had a kind heart and an easy way about her. Then Plato took out Emma. You remember Emma? She was the strict secretary at work. She scolded you if you had low health and praised you if you were productive. Now Lana has been struck down. Our maiden of pain, the taskmaster of training. Under her direction you suffer through the agony of training to gain superior strength and win those Super Solider trophies.

Farewell ladies, you shall be greatly missed. We will carry you in our hearts.

More eRep Stuff

Good morning eRepians. Plato has a greeting for you today!

Click image to enlarge.

While the eWorld has been busy electing country presidents, the eGovernor of eRepublik has been working to improve your game experience. How thoughtful he is. This is just what we've been wanting, another way to spend fake money. 🙂

Click image to enlarge.

Along with the ladies, the Drill instructor, Napoleon and Cesar got the boot also. I did notice that no expense was spared in creating the graphics for these new 'buildings' that we can purchase. I have not made use of this wonderful offer yet. Would someone be so kind as to tell me if buying these training facilities uses up your land? That would add $1000 of local currency to the final cost.

A note to the wise: You are not required to buy one of these bargains to be able to train. You still have the original training facility that you may use for ZERO gold (Army Boots). Just close Plato's greeting and go about your business.

What's Next?

Who knows what Plato will pull out of his bag of tricks? I give up trying to guess. But I'm sure we will all be amused by it. I just hope people are not fooled into buying something they don't want or need.

I've said my piece. Now what do you think?