NDA dispatch program

Day 3,045, 05:59 Published in India India by Calvinhobbes

Hi we will finally start the dispatch program for newbies, thankfully to the super active Gov we have right now

Eligibility for now is
1. Member of NDA
2. Str >1000
3. Active player(daily training)
4. eIndian

Further criteria will be added as the program progresses

Any abuse of the dispatch will be penalised, with suspension of dispatch for variable period(as per the cabinet)

NDA members in my friend list, have been added to a group msg already

The eligible members are (list will be constantly updated)

1. Anna Hazare
2. Puji Raymond Ortiz
3. Srinjoy Sarkar
4. HoSerkai
5. Lord Aragorn99
6. NandanBN


Commander NDA