Interested in moving to Lithuania

Day 4,831, 05:47 Published in Lithuania Cuba by Fernando de la Cromid

Hello eLithuania!

I am interested in Lithuanian CS.

Why leave eIndia:

Some of the top players in eIndia think I was involved in corruption during my CP term. No matter how much time and effort I put to explain my side of story they are not ready to accept my part and they are not ready to answer any of my questions even though I answered all of their questions. They do not trust me.

Why Lithuania:

1) I just love iPSiArt. I still admire him for Lithuania's success in resource wars. Lithuania finished the event as first in the eWorld. Finishing first in the toughest tournament in erepublik shows the unity and hardwork of eLithuania. iPSiArt was super friendly during resource wars and helped me with few tricks which helped eIndia win huge resources. (I was the CP of eIndia during resource wars). iPSi is a practical and friendly person. Even though the deal I made with Lithuania was dropped due to clash with some ppl in BG he clearly understood my situation. I still feel I owe something to him but all he wanted was Rubber from eIndia which I could not fulfil.

2) I also love Magnus Dux for his super useful article

3) I love Hydra. Hydra always stood for their alliance. When eIndia sabotaged Netherlands during resource wars, Lithuania and MKD were pointing my guns at my head. Netherlands, Lithuania and MKD's CP accepted my apology for that even though the mistake was ours'.

4) I am a fan of FC Barcelona. I also like Arjen Robben. With Spain and Netherlands part of Hydra I am assuming we can discuss some football 🙂

Will you take me eLithuania?