Get 10000 cc and Expand ur companies - Providing loans with 10% interest!

Day 4,789, 07:02 Published in India Cuba by Fernando de la Cromid
The scheme

1) I'm willing to loan 10K cc per person.
2) You can return it as 11K cc in 10 days. (either as emi 1100 cc per day or 11K cc at the end of 10 days)
3) Anyone in erep who I feel is active enough and capable of returning qualify for this.

How this is beneficial for you:

You can create 2 food companies with this cc (appx.) You will exactly earn +168 cc per day (2 companies * 210 Q1 food * 0.4 cc). If you buy raw materials to produce these food, then your profit will be +88cc per day i.e. 880 cc in 10 days which is 2640 cc per month. If you avail the loan 3 times in a month, your revenue will increase to +7920 cc per month (permanently). You can also make ur own raw companies in future to avoid the expense for raw and double the profit.

Working in companies gives you double the xp therefore you can level up faster than you normally do (provided you optimally work before day change so that u can keep ur Prestige points and energy recover high)

How this is beneficial for your country:

1) It'll increase the GDP of your country.
2) This will make food market in your country competitive and food price will get lower in your country and help the poor.
3) Ppl in ur country don't have to buy food from foreigners.
4) The tax you pay to your country will help ur govt if there is a good ruling govt.

How this is beneficial for me:

I already earn about 18K cc per day.. but this is not enough for me to buy power pack every month. So the extra 1Kcc you pay will help me earn extra revenue. If I'm able to loan for 10 people I'll earn about 10K cc in 10 days which is 30K cc profit for me every month.

Why I don't make the companies myself:

There is a gold limit I can buy from market everyday which is 10 gold per day. Therefore I can't create more than 1 food company per day in average. Therefore I am unable to create more companies in my account.

Founder of Indian Workers Party.