Day 1307-1309

Day 1,309, 14:06 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..
Day 1307-1309*

Mood Musik


United Kingdom is about to attack Belgium, after four easy wins.

Turkey has attacked and is winning in Sofia, Bulgaria. Bulgaria will be wiped.

The TW between Republic of China (Taiwan) and South Korea has turned into an actual war of wiping (SK) before elections.

Peru has attacked and is winning in North of Brazil.

Indonesia has attacked and is winning in California. (1)

Indonesia has conquered Tamil Nadu from India and is about to attack.

China and Iran is still a RW?

New Zealand and Chile still a RW?

Slovakia has secured Bavaria against Germany and is about to attack.

TERRA - Brazil, Chile, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Portugal, Russia, USA

Canada has secured Northwest Territories against Sweden and is about to attack.

Portugal has secured Alentejo against Mexico and is about to attack.

Canada is being an awesome neighbor again in NH, nothing to worry about.

Argentina has declared Peru a Natural Enemy and is about to attack.

EDEN - Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Romania, Ukraine

Australia has secured New South Wales against Indonesia and is now about to attack.

ABC - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Lithuania has conquered Kaliningrad from Russia and is about to attack.

LUNA - India, Israel, Malaysia, Philippines, Switzerland, Austria

ONE - Hungary, Poland, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Serbia, Spain, Sweden

Serbia has attacked and is winning in Subcarpathia, Ukraine.

Hungary has attacked and is winning in Salzburg, Austria.

Poland has conquered Pennsylvania from the US and is about to attack. (2)

Hungary has conquered Florida from the US and is about to attack. (3)

Spain has conquered Wyoming from the US and is about to attack. (4)

Turkey has secured Volga Vyatka from Russia and is about to attack.

*Current Open Wars at print.


I would like to ask the following question: Is the UK attacking and trying to wipe Belgium just because it can, right now?

Props to Australia for gaining initiative against Indonesia. I know it's at America's expense, but at least you have initiative. We need Moar. O look, Canada has managed to gain initiative against Sweden. And Portugal has it against Peru. Forward HO brethren.

Any chance you can put a stop to this Mexico/Portugese business right away Mr President?

Just for the record, did someone paint a bulls-eye on the US or was that just Spain? 😠

"This is one thing that I was gonna wait a while before we talked about. Maybe we'll talk about it now so you can think about it. Because you all, we all have to make some kind of plans for ourselves. It's a free concert from now on...
But the one major thing you have to remember tonight when you back up to the woods to go to sleep or if you stay here, is that the man next to you is your brother and you da-- well better treat each other that way, cause if you don't, then we blow the whole thing, but we've got it right there."

That is what you are up against America.

I'm not going to suger-coat it and tell you everything's going to be alright. But I am going to tell you that people are working around the clock to save your country. You may not see them. You may be asking EDEN this, TERRA that, but WE are up against it and WE are going to fight until the bitter end.

If you are an MU leader, CP, MoD, or just a concerned citizen of the eWorld, join together in standing up to ONE. Join together and establish a new alliance with the sole purpose of protecting eNations from aggression and being wiped off the map. No nation deserves to be wiped. Have your wars, but keep in mind it is a game and have fun. Respect your neighbors. Establish an alliance to protect free eletions in every eNation around the eWorld. Do it now, before it is too late.

Hail Brazil
Hail Chile
Hail Canada
Hail France
Hail Germany
Hail Japan
Hail Portugal
Hail Russia
Hail USA




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What's that spell!
What's that spell!
What's that spell!
What's that spell!

"Gimme an "*"
"Gimme a "*"
"Gimme a "C"
Gimme a "K"
What's that spell!...?