Celebrate America!

Day 1,322, 10:52 Published in USA Canada by Thedillpickl

Rejoining The Race
My Cabinet

Hi kids!

Today, in my opinion, is a very special day. A day unlike any other. Other countries celebrate their national day of whatever, we celebrate the creation of a nation. Something from nothing. Beyond that, we celebrate the coming together of a people, people of different backgrounds and interests. These fine folks decided they had enough of a king and parliament that wanted to suck their lives from them. To that end they pledged their life, fortune and sacred honor to each other in a fight that changed history. And their goal? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not fame, glory or wealth. If you've never actually done it, take a minute to read The Declaration of Independence.

Our Situation

The current situation in the eUSA sucks. Big news flash: It doesn't have to !

OK, maybe it's not that bad. Just consider what's been happening. Our military has been completely divided and then reorganized. TERRA and PANAM were a little less help than we expected. Our tanks seem to have left the room. Finally, after trouncing our allies (which I believe we could have done more to help), ONE swooped in on North America and into the eUSA and Canada. Like good little self sacrificing warriors, Spain softened us up so that their big brothers could walk right in.

Click image to enlarge.

This lack of resources is a big problem, it cannot be allowed to continue. We control five regions at the time of this writing. Only three are connected. This limits our resources to the regions connected to Arizona, our capitol. Three food resources are a great start, but we are not in a food fight. This is serious, we need weapons! How do we get more weapons? WRM. The first thing to do is RW in the regions connected to Arizona.

No Mud-Slinging Zone

Damn sorry about this, I have no idea how it got on my computer.

I do not say anything here to start trouble. Negative talk helps no one, but ignoring facts allows bad conditions to continue. I would like to say, up front, that I supported Glove, I voted for Glove and I consider Glove a friend. But...

We get very sporadic reports from the White House. The DoD citizen orders plod along and tell us "fight here" or "fight there". Some content was added to explain how to fight in the new war mod (thank you). My question is, "Where are the leaders of our current administration?". Hiding behind a barricade in the oval office is not helping! I'm sure Glove is doing what he thinks best, but c'mon, throw us a bone, would ya?

It is my intention, upon being elected, to be a president who lets you know what's going on. (Unless it's secret stuff, then you have to wait for a leak, just like everyone else.) There will be press releases by my office one or two times per week and more often if called for. I will endeavor to get DoD citizen orders updated at least three times per day. It's the 21st century for crying out loud. There is no reason we can't communicate. As a matter of fact, I have created a special office that George Pumpkinette heads up. He will be taking your PM's and reviewing them to pass the good stuff to me. Most likely I will be swamped with people telling me what they would do. You don't want me to ignore you and I don't want to miss your genius idea, this will take care of that problem.

My Competition

> Blank Keating - Usually he writes up a shit storm. Here's his latest. Anyhow he is very knowledgeable and has great game moxie. Marxus is a big plus for him, bringing the Lib's along for the ride. If you do not support me, support him. (But support me 'cause I'm cool!)

> Technician - I'm not too familiar with this player, but he seems popular with the military and AMP, this is a big plus in his favor. Here's his claim to fame. He does not have a huge ego and does not mind telling you so! Also the "get opinions" and "play for all the players" (interpret as 'let's have fun') sounds familiar.

> cccimelihmessiccc - INCi's boy. To be honest, I don't know how this player rolls. I have found most INCi to be good guys (just like most Americans), so I will reserve judgment. I would like to point out to INCi fans that depici supports me.

> Speedcat McNasty - This made me sad. A great player was taken from us by RL. Speedcat oozed quality. That's why I dropped out of the race when he announced and I saw his platform was almost identical to mine. GL Speedcat, thanks for the good times.

> GoalieBCSC - He's supposed to take Speedcat's place. Here's his latest announcement. Good call for name recognition with Josh Frost for VP. My VP is PIZ and he hasn't pissed anyone off lately (that I know of). Alexander_Auctoritas is good also, I may ask him to be Halimans deputy.

The End Of The Trail

That's about it. You can look back at my other articles to see where I stand on things and find out more about my cabinet (links at the top). I must be at work tonight and won't be back until the election is underway. I've got a crack staff and I see they have been busy planning while I wrote this.

I have only selected people that I know can do the jobs that are asked of them. This is not a typical POTUS election. This is not a typical situation for the eUSA. And I am not your typical POTUS candidate. As always, I only ask that you do what you think is best for all concerned.

Good people, good plan, goodness sakes vote for me. If for no other reason than to piss PTH off. Pizza doesn't like me much. He wrote an article last night taking wagers on who will win POTUS. I started at 100:1 odds. This was the link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/presidential-election-odds-amp-wagers-1813367/1/20 It appears to have been removed. Admins have no problem with gambling here, I wonder who took the article down?

[UPDATE: PTH's new article for the wager is HERE!]