[WTP] Never a Dull Moment...

Day 4,567, 05:15 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath

I really want to believe that Dom can get better, but he’s not giving me much to work with…


If I commit another political scandal, maybe that’ll get me off the blacklist!

Do I want to talk about what happened yesterday? No, not really, but I guess I have to. So here goes.

Early yesterday, Dom MMed out the official party poll for the congressional primaries. He did fall victim to the admin’s spam filter, as I did with my poll as well. As I have the good fortune of being first on the list of party members due to appointed position and game mechanics, I was the very first to get the mail, before the spam filter had a chance to kick in. I tried to get a hold of him both on discord and in-game to catch him before he MM’d the entire party and wasted a bunch of his time, but wasn’t able to get through until he finished.

As expected, the rules were “vote for up to 5 people for congress, if you’re running you can’t vote for yourself, and the running order will be determined by vote # for each person.” So I clicked the link. I took a look at who was there…

...and saw that my petition had not been successful in its goal of barring the IES violator from running for congress. What I forgot to look for, however, was who wasn’t there…

Compare the names and see what you find. I’ll give you a hint.

This went most of the day without notice, as things sometimes do. But the ticking time bomb was active. I was actually away from my computer when I got a discord notification, someone asking me what I thought of the whole Taco situation. I gathered from that, something had hit the fan, and got back to read through the article. I was confused for a few minutes, as I saw the article but not yet the party feed, but I clicked around and saw this little gem soon enough.

If you’re confused as to the reason, everyone's first assumption was the blacklist vote in congress, which Taco and Ryan both voted yes to. This theory was later confirmed via PM with Dom.

Now, I shouldn’t have to give you reasons not to exclude non-blacklisted eUS citizens from congress or from even voting in the primary. (In fact, I even allowed Andreas.Antoniou to vote in my poll when he asked me for a security word. He surprised me by voting AGAINST 2 of the 3 people on the list. Given I never see him on the forum, or in the media, or in the feed, I have to wonder what his and conseiller’s reasoning is for… anything). Since this need has arisen though, here goes.

Dom’s disagreement with Taco and Ryan is a personal issue. Their voting yes to the blacklist was not a betrayal of the party - Dom is not literally the party, simply an elected representative. Dominar is an individual, not a fundamental element of WTP. No one person is a fundamental element of any party, unless they are the only member. Furthermore, they didn’t exactly make an unpopular choice. The only 2 votes there that weren’t yes, was a no vote from HULK and an abstention from that one BSP guy who votes no to everything. Even the BSP guy voted abstain rather than flat out no. The final vote count was 21:1:1. Hardly worthy of questioning the judgement of the yes voters (and this is coming from someone who would have voted no, had I been in congress).

As this is a personal matter, not a party matter, Dom using his PP ability to deny Taco and Ryan a fair chance at running based on a personal issue, rather than a fear for national security is corruption. And his refusal to take an IES violator off the congress list against the wishes of 91% of party members who voted in my poll, while taking 2 productive members of the eUS off, is worrying.

So do I still disagree with blacklisting Dom? Well, my hypothetical vote just changed from “no” to “abstain.”

I truly madly deeply hope that he steps down as PP, allows someone who doesn’t bring personal matters into elected office to make the congress list, and tries in ernest to be a productive member of the party. But I have no power to compel him to do that.

Enough ranting and raving. Let’s get some music for the comments.


Ever feel like you’re trapped in a flooding building?