[Wilker4PP] Election Security and the Forums

Day 4,580, 07:27 Published in USA Chile by Wilker Nath
Hello, I’m Johnny Cash

Here’s what my cabinet looks like so far:

VPP: KingTaco
Minister of Elections: svs1109 and Aersidius
Minister of Programs: Thee Dude
Minister of Media: open
IES Liaison: 2 people currently, project ongoing
Minister of Recruitment: Dominar Rygel XVI and open for more

A word on Dom:
I was really expecting more pushback from the cab members I have about offering him a position. I asked them what they thought about it before I took any steps, and I was prepared to give up the idea if I met too much resistance from them. They surprised me though, and I didn’t get a single person outright tell me no to offering Dom the position.

Me and Dom have very different opinions on IES. We also disagree on the forums. I hardcore disagree with his going around IES and interviewing CS applicants himself, and believe that some congressional action was justified. I hardcore disagree with his kicking members out of the party, who joined that near-unanimous vote for congressional action. For these reasons, I don’t think he should be put in any position with influence over citizenship, IES, or the congress lineup.

...and those are among the worst things I can say about him. I do not think he’s a multi of Ajay. I do not think he fixes WTP elections with multis. I’ve found him to be more reasonable than Ajay, and more willing to compromise.

Some of the best things I can say about him in the context of erep are he cares a lot about the party, he has huge amounts of energy for accomplishing party goals, and he’s one of the best party recruiters I’ve seen.

I think it would be a mistake to outright ban him from the party, and force him to go somewhere like AFA. For these reasons, I welcome him onto my team.

In other news, the IES project is making progress. We have a list of a bunch of recent unauthorized entries along with the congressmen who let them in. We are looking into ways to background check these people.

Now enough with the long intro. Onto the main course.

Following the CP primary in our party, I had 2 people approach me at similar times about the open Elections position on my cab. Those 2 people happened to be one of the best pairs I could’ve hoped for: svs and Aersidius.

I say it’s such a great pair because I’m friends with both of them, they’re both familiar names within the party, and most of all, because they disagree on the use of the forums. Aersidius has spoken in favor of the forums in the past, and svs has taken at least a mild stance against them.

I say their disagreement is a good thing because I see a disagreement within the party that I want reflected in my cabinet. I want to get both sides together talking, and figure out a solution to this. I want to get the rest of my cabinet in on the discussion of whether or not to hold primaries on the forums as well, not just these two. I want to get a solution that most of the party doesn’t hate.

I do hope that we’ll be able to use the WTP board on the forums for primary voting, even if some people only log into the forums twice a month to vote. If a lot of people are very opposed to this, and if we see other ideas for making our elections safe, I’m not adamant in that stance. I look forward to deeply exploring this with calmness and candor from multiple people.

My own thoughts on the forums that I’ve shared out before are: a system where we can check the IPs of each voter against a database with huge amounts of IP logs from most players who have ever had a politically-active account in the eUS is the most secure way to hold a vote that provides the least amount of voter exclusion. If we use a google form, the creator of the form will be forced to pick and choose who they think the multis are based on circumstantial evidence. If we make our own website to log IPs of voters, we’ll only be able to check it against the IPs of other party members. We’ll have a much smaller database to crosscheck, leaving the system very vulnerable to multis from other parties. And if we do it on the party feed, we just get more of the same drama.

Again, I’m not asking you to actively use the forums every day. All I’m asking is twice a month for 5 minutes, logging in to vote in the most secure primary system I believe this country has. If we do go with the forum option, I will also discuss with the forum admin ways of allowing legitimate party members who have been banned from the forum to have a vote in our primary.

One critique of the forums that I’ve seen is that they’re hard to just pick up and start using. It’s not easy to get a full grasp on when you first make an account. I acknowledge and understand this. The masking process isn’t always the easiest, and it did take me an extra few minutes to find the group membership page. Tutorials can be made, though, and people can be talked-through this process.

I’m also aware we do have members banned from the forum. Again, I will talk to PiZ about allowing people post/vote access in only the WTP board, if I’m elected.

The big case that I’ve seen against the forums is a lack of trust for the people running them. I’ve seen accusations of unfair banning, misuse of information acquired as admin, the works. There’s not really much I can say to people who think this way, but I’ll try to make a case.

By signing up to the forums, your IP is logged in a database that ONLY PiZ can access. This, your username, and your in-game profile link are the only things you NEED to provide in order to get your profile created and correctly masked. And if you use a VPN, you won’t even need to expose your IP. If you only log in to vote twice a month, there is a very low chance of you getting banned, especially since I will personally go to bat to get non-multi WTP members the right to vote.

These are my thoughts on the forums, and I am willing to put in the work to get us there, however, as said, if someone brings up another way to secure our elections that is more favored by people in the party, I am willing to consider other options.

We the People
Rise Up Stronger
