[UK-CP] Mid-Term updates (Lose in East Midlands!)

6 days ago Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street


In this Mid-Term update you will find a whistle-stop tour of Ministry updates. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in comments or via Private Message.

Quick note to say eNZ are landing an Airstrike in the East Midlands - they must win this battle. Avoid fighting for the eUK and do not turn walls to the eUK side.

Despite all the bold - it’s been a much more relaxed opening half compared to the previous term, as the new approaches and expectations across Government are now embedded. Everyone is hitting a groove!


We have run a couple of LFE’s (many more to come) and are in touch with people who don’t appear to be engaging with MoD orders. (Can’t mention MoD orders without plugging the eDefence Sheet). This weekend the MoD will be reaching out to fighters to ask who can help raise an Epic (and the type of Epic!) next week.

As a reminder, LFE’s (Live-Fire Exercises) are a type of reward paid to people for meeting objectives. These objectives are shouted and shared by the MoD, and usually involve doing damage on a specific side of a battle over a number of rounds.

As another reminder, when the Government runs an Epic those who help build pre-damage get one ‘share’ in the Pre-Epic rewards fund.

Both are designed to promote coordination - details can be found here.

Otherwise the only key bit of news is that there is widespread expectation that the Summer event will start next Tuesday - if not it will be the Tuesday after, so plan accordingly!

Foreign affairs

We are working our way through a series of Region-Rotations. As you may have read already these rotations are a way of managing determination. They can be quite difficult, especially for a nation such as the eUK which has relatively fewer fighters. Thankfully so far the region swaps have gone smoothly, and we are reviewing our current borders and partners to make sure people are happy and to address any unexpected consequences of the swaps.

Big praise goes to Betafoxtrot for helping monitor, manage and map out who is moving where and keeping MoD orders up to date, and to everyone in Cabinet that has kept an eye out and shared info when necessary.

Full disclosure regarding Training Wars, with lots of rotations having taken place ahead of the event and in the aftermath of the events two weeks ago, we are still expecting that some TW’s may close. We have brought online Nigeria and Japan and will soon have NZ back in UK cores, so we have built the stack in case any TW’s close. Things are looking relatively stable around regions we occupy so we should be OK.


The steady ship that is the MoF has just published it’s next Donations Schedule, which sets out proposals for Donate Laws made by the next Congress.

If you are interested you can read last month’s proposal here.

The only other bit of Finance-business worth mentioning is that the eUK’s Country Accounts received some large donations at the onset of the CP term. So there’s some extra cash we can spend - please share any thoughts on what it may be used for, and we will engage with Congress for a decision. Initial suggestions are some could be used to add to our rewards pots, or the MoEntertainment could plan a whimsy special or other game.

Please forgive me that the poster is not up to date, but it still passes the vibe.

It has been a challenging trading environment since term opened, with the currency markets moving quite slowly (remember to buy currency from UK orgs!). We are expecting the market to move faster once the summer event starts.

Nevertheless, we have made some money! The current value of the Government’s Mm Trading orgs is £64,075,856.67 - an increase of £1,575,856.67 from the base value of £62.5 Mil. When factoring in returned dividend’s from the previous rewards round, this is the equivalent to a Dividend of approximately £30k per person in addition to fighting rewards. There is still lots of time for that to grow - cross your fingers the event causes some mad moving on the markets!

Home Affairs

Last but by no means least is our domestic functions operating out of the Ministry of Home Affairs. No doubt you’ve already seen Weekend Whimsy which continues to hand out prizes to anyone and everyone who participates in their games.

On the Education front we are looking at how we approach ‘first contact’ with new players and have sent a suggested PM to our review panel. There’s been a bump in registrations and returning players over the past week so we have reached out to everyone with our quick start hints and tips. The MoEd is also contributing to MoD infodrops with fighting advice, the first of which was distributed over a week ago.

On immigration we are refining our short list of nations to send a postcard to (any suggestions, please comment!) and after some time in the studio making some new posters we will be publishing!

My thanks goes to everyone in Cabinet for their hard work making things happen! Everything we do is it chase the goals set out in the eUK’s strategic vision, and I am pleased that it is driving momentum in Government and that we can demonstrate activity and outcomes to the public.

My thanks also goes to Congress for engaging with the topics we bring forward - remember to vote in the next elections which are on Tuesday.

Lastly my thanks goes to you - for reading!
Mr W