[MOFA] Overview of Alliances - Sirius

Day 2,308, 02:15 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Buitenlandse Za

The Creation of the Sirius Alliance

After the TWO Alliance officially dissolved a few months ago, six eNations came together to create this new military alliance called Sirius on day 2278 of the New World. The alliance itself has been in existence officially for about a month now. It may be young but it definitely packs a punch. The goal of the alliance according to the Sirius Charter is, “… the securing of our national borders, the advance of our national aims and to create a position of dominance politically and militarily in eRepublik.”

The original six members are the eUK, ePoland, eUSA, eSpain, eCroatia, and eTurkey. Then, on day 2296 eBrazil officially joined the alliance. All are very strong countries individually, yet together they are even more so. When TWO was around, the eWorld was very much out of balance as many who were around remember. Now, with ePoland in Sirius and eSerbia, who is a founding member of Asteria which is seen as the main opponent of the Sirius Alliance, each in separate alliances it appears the eWorld is not as lopsided as it once was.

Some of the eNations that support Sirius but who are not official members of the alliance are eAlbania, eBelgium, eSwitzerland, eBosnia and Herzegovina, eSouth Africa, eEstonia, eLithuania, eLatvia, eMexico, eVenezuela, eUkraine, and eItaly.

The Creation of PRO-Sirius

After the start of Sirius, Sirius introduced Pro-Sirius. This includes a list of countries that you can find here. The countries that are Pro-(Alliance Name) are helping the main alliance with reaching their goals. They are not a member of the main alliance (In this case Sirius) but support the main alliance.

Alliance Leadership

The current alliance leadership includes;

the Secretary General akashapeke of eSpain

Deputy Secretary General Prophet009 of ePoland

Military Commander Wild Owl of the eUSA

Deputy Military Commander purebending of eCroatia

Important Aspects of the Alliance

To join, a country must be accepted universally by every member of the alliance. They also mention in the Sirius Charter that the alliance is, “based around the concept of a small loyal core group of countries. That principle is underwritten in the alliance as a founding creed and cannot be stressed enough. Every country must do its utmost to work with and support every other country, even at personal cost. New members must be supported by all members, because without that acclamation the founding principle is lost. Organisation is our advantage, and unity is our strength.”

Further Information

The official newspaper of the Sirius Alliance, called Sirius News, can be located here for more information regarding the alliance. You may also find any further information about the alliance at Sirius’ wikipage located here as well.

Country President,
Aries Prime

Minsters of Foreign Affairs,
Arcanic Mindje

State Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
Willem The Conqueror

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