[Cenreport] Kretenizem najvišje vrste

Day 996, 14:28 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by cen1

Ne vem ali bi se smejal...ali bi se jokal od žalosti, zato presodite sami.

Vzeto iz dveh top international člankov od včeraj in danes.

1. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-galicia-message-from-hungary-to-spain-1484986/1/20

"Dear citizens of eSpain,

as you might have already noticed, the Hungarian flag appeared above the Spanish region of Galicia. Here I have to provide an explanation about this event, however it is expected also in Erepublik Insider in the future.
Hungary was a target of an enormous hacker attack at the weekend. Sad to say, the restoration process has been started by the Admins only today, however we are glad to see them at work with this issue. Among the demands of Hungary, was to get back the region of
Galicia & Lodomeria (originally Ukraine, and taken by Poland Monday). Admins accepted our arguments and gave it back... with a small error. They simply mismatched the regions of Galicia & Lodomeria and Galicia-Spain. I'm pretty sure that you will get back your region tomorrow, we continue the admin talks with this issue. A funny thing enough, and a small illustration, what was the situation in Hungary in the weekend.

Furthermore, as a goodwill of Hungary, here we assure you that we don't want to exploit the situation and we don't attack Asturias, nor the East Coast of the United States. (If you had neighbors like Poland or Romania, you couldn’t be similarly sure... )

If you have a claim to Admin to get back the lost tax revenues, Hungary fully supports you.

I hope once we meet in the battlefield with fair conditions, fight each other for fun as game opponents, but never as arch-enemies.

with special respect,
Ipath, President of eHungary
Nalaja, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of eHungary

Komentar: Madžari so pokazali, da igrajo pošteno (ne kot Romuni in Poljaki) in ne bojo izkoristili adminovih napak sebi v prid . Kaj se je pravzaprav zgodilo?

Admini so Madžarom vrnili Špansko Galicijo, namesto Galicia & Lodomeria (Ukrajina).

Kako si lahko admini privoščijo takšno napako? Kako je to sploh možno? Erepublik nam propada pred našimi očmi. V čem je sploh smisel nadaljevanja te kretenske igre?

2. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-admins-039-opinion-about-the-lost-hungarian-mpps-1484185/1/20

*********************************************My ticket****************************************************
Dear Admins,

Poland attacked Hungary at Podolia region, and Hungary lost all of their mpp-s against Poland! Seriously? Pls give back the county's mpps, because its one of the most important tactical advantage. Its like our tanks can't enter the battlefield of Podolia. Btw, Poland has not captured Galicia at least if the admins do their job!
Do something.

Sorry about my weak english.
************************************************Admin answer***************************************
Hello ,

Thank you for your report!
We have checked this issue and found nothing wrong.
************************************************My answer***************************************

Nothing wrong? Are you joking?
Hungary have about 11 mpp against Poland. These mpps the base of the tactical movements of hungary, and now the mpps gone because of the hack! How do you mean, nothing wrong? Of course, for Poland its not a problem, they exploit a bug without any consequence.

Have a nice day!
********************************************The admin's answers************************************

We checked it and found nothing, we will double check it in the following 24 hours and the necessary action will be taken is you are correct.

Kind Regards,
The eRepublik Team

No comment.

Komentar: Kot avtor navedenega članka se ga bom tudi sam raje vzdržal.


Blagor tistim, ki so že zapustili igro.
