Tutorial - Special Weekly Challenge

Day 5,229, 23:39 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Difa AG

Hello Swiss people and the eworld,

Yesterday, Chris wrote about the unfairness and (almost) impossibility of completing Erepublik events especially the recent Valentine one https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/swiss-news-unfairly-hard-quests-and-events--2749896/1/20.

These special Weekly Challenges are getting more difficult within these last few years. Some events can also run for more than 1 week, like the Night Howl Challenge with 2 weeks of 100k each, and 14th Anniversary Challenge with 2 x 90k pp week.

Take a look at Special Weekly Challenges within the last 2 years:

Shadow challenge - 60k
Anniversary challenge - 44.5k tank skin, 60.5k air skin
Winter challenge - 60k

Stay at home Challenge I, II, III, IV - 60k
Autumn challenge - 60k
Halloween challenge - 80k
Anniversary Challenge I and II - 80k
Winter challenge - 80k

Hungry for Love Challenge - 80k
Spring Challenge - 80k
Summer Challenge - 80k
Night Howl Challenge I and II - 80k skin, 100k discharge document
Anniversary challenge I and II- 90k
Winter challenge - 90k

Cupid's Valentine Party - 90k

No matter how strong we hate this development, I think it is safe to say that, special weekly challenges will stay at 90k pp and even expect increase in the future (!).

Today, I will present you a strategy to prepare for finishing Special Weekly Challenge for those who have not done it or find it daunting. It is not cheap and easy, but with the method outlined here, you will be able to complete at least 3 of these "special week" each year -- without packs, and by just being a medium casual player.

For this purpose, expect the adequate preparation time is 4 months. If you buy certain packs and/or very active in farming medals and/or have invested in lots of profitable companies, your preparation time will be quicker. I will explain these at the end.


1. Prestige point boosters and x5 damage accelarators
These two items are indispensible in minimizing your energy bar requirement. PP booster will make you gain extra +1 prestige point per 10 health, and accelarators will make you pp booster work optimally (you will hit 5x times as much in the same time).

Roughly, a combo of 1 pp booster and 1 x5 acc booster during epic battle will net you 20k-25k prestige points. If you aim for 90k pp, stock up on 4 sets MINIMUM. If you aim for 60k pp, you will need 3 sets. etc

How to get: these two are available at the power spin.

The problem is, they have low probability (estimated around 3% ). I have heard stories of people spending an obscene amount of cc, yet got no prestige booster. My tips is to spin consistently. Some days you will get none, some other days, several at once.

Spend a minimum of 50k cc each spin day. For a two-day spin event, this is equal to saving up 100k cc per month and is easily achievable by saving your daily wage and using q1 house.

2. Energy bars
There's no way around it, you will still need a large amount of energy bars.

For 90k pp event, I suggest stock up a minimum of 1000-1500 EBs. Depending on the event, your upfront EBs spent may get some returned from the event rewards (EB/pumpkin/treat/gift). Several years ago, you can get surplus EBs by completing events. Nowadays, you are lucky if get one third of it back.

How to get: you can buy at the gold store here https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/gold-items either at normal price or during sale.

Normal price is equivalent to 1.95 G per EB

Sale price is equivalent to 1.365 G per EB. The next expected sale will be Spring Sale in April.

Buying 1500 EBs at normal price will set you back 2925 G. If your preparation time is 4 months, this is equivalent to saving 25 G/day. You need to have an average income of 25 G/day. But if you buy during sale, you would only need 17 G/day. I am sure most medium active fighters can achieve this amount from daily medal farming.


Now you have a minimum 4 sets of pp booster and accelerators, plus 1500 EBs in your storage. You are ready.

At the start of event, find an epic battle at your earliest convenience.

Activate a pp booster and a x5 accelarator together, and deploy to your hearts content (I mean, for the duration of 10 minutes). Repeat for as many sets of boosters.

I suggest you use all your planned amount of booster sets on Tuesday, because there is no guarantee you will find an epic battle on the next days.

That's it! 80-90k prestige points in the first day 😂

Ways to boost your preparation

As mentioned above, there are ways to make your preparation time quicker, from 4 months into 2 months or even 1 month. But your effort (or your RL wallet's effort) would be a lot more intensive.

Packs. If you buy a token pack, you can spend more on power spin. More spin means more boosters, more chance for 500 G jackpot, and more goodies to help you gain gold (like stingers).
Another helpful pack is the powerpack. A Powerpack user can collect 2000-2500 G/month from battles if they are very industrious. Packs during event can also helps lower EB and pp booster requirements.

Income from Profitable companies. This is another way to increase your daily income with just one easy click (compare that to choosing a battle, deploying, and watching so no one "steals" it). Extra daily income, means you will save more faster. Actually, I have been a food producer for a long long time, and this helped me a lot despite that I am a considered a weak strength weak rank account with rarely any packs.

Closing remarks

The strategy I present above has been proven by myself (and many others). They are challenging and effortful especially during the preparation step. However you can set your own comfortable pace. For example, I know a few persons who only prepare for one event per year (the Erepublik anniversary event)

If there are some things here that is not clear enough, I am happy to explain further. Personally I like special mission type events (like "Day 5000" missions) rather than Special Weekly Challenge events. Special WC events are getting boring and getting to be a chore, and they keep increasing the prestige points targets compared to the rewards 😐

Recent personal achievement
• Autumn challenge 2021 100k pp https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/first-time-autumn-challenge-2021-2744375/1/20
• Night Howl challenge 2021: reached 60k pp x 2 weeks, got Night Howl skin
• Anniversary challenge 2021: reached 70k pp x 2 weeks
• Winter challenge 2021: reached 60k pp
• Cupid's Valentine Party 2022: 90k pp and 3rd tier

TL; DR version
• 4 pp boosters
• 4 x5 damage accelators
• 1500 EBs
During event: use all boosters and EBs in epic battle(s)

Good luck on your endeavors