Thoughts on a Proposal

Day 3,671, 16:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher
Citizens of the Republic,

As you may have noticed or heard, there was a proposal in congress to impeach our current CP.

First of all, I would like to publicly point out the courage that Congressman Wotan showed proposing the impeachment, knowing full well the backlash from the oligarchy he would receive. I admire him for his courage and his unbridled desire to have his voice heard.

There has been discussion of the proposal's rejection as a "show of confidence" in our current CP, but this clearly not the case.

The proposal was rejected by a vote of 14 yes, 13 no. Although more congressmen wanted an impeachment than not, the game requires a 66% supermajority for the impeachment to go through.

Clearly this is not a "display of confidence", rather it is a protest lodged by 14 patriotic congressmen against the oligarchy's tyranny over eIreland.

Those 14 congressmen, myself included, who voted yes to the proposal, have washed their hands of the guilt of a fraudulent election. We accept the results, but only because they are forced onto us. We will work with the government, but only because we love eIreland. I can only hope that Ethel and her government realize the injustice they have done in refusing a unity government.

All I can say for now, is that I still have hope in the citizens of eIreland.
We will prevail! We will rid our glorious isle of the oligarchy that oppresses us every day!

Remember, look forward to the future with hope, eIreland!
Let's Make eIreland Work Again!
Let's Make eIreland Strong Again!
Let's Make eIreland Free Again!

-Commander Trito Fisher