Naval Statistics #3 Party Time!

Day 1,664, 11:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Garth Lidlington

As we continue on trying to re take Dublin its time to take a look at what appears to be another record breaking week for the Royal Navy!

Last Week

Due to some apologies for not being able to make it, the attendance was slightly lower this week, down to 37 sailors, down to it being Bank Holiday, Jubilee, God save the queen etc..... But that didn’t stop the amount of influence being dealt. During the fight with Poland against the Yanks, our sailors put out 7,205,668 influence over the course of 3 rounds, which being as last week’s total was only 200k more, is a fantastic achievement so well done to everyone involved!

This week’s top hitters were:

helpmeslack: 1171268
Angela Williams: 1107905
Franquay: 727467

The gold training award this week goes to....... Minbin! good effort this week keep it up!

This Week

This week saw the Navy’s sailors out in absolute force, with an attendance of 40 sailors this week the unit worked together to put out a rather fantastic 11,026,109 influence in the battle of Dublin… 11 MILLION INFLUENCE! I think this calls for a sexy party…

This week’s top hitters were:

Mini Munch: 2949000
Firefox30: 1806682 – Congratulations on getting Battle Hero!
Franquay – 800191

This is a certain screenshot showing Navy dominance in the top 5 of battle 7…

This week’s gold training award goes to Hound1990 for continued improvement throughout the strike, well done!

Stay tuned for an announcement about next week’s strike, should be a good one! Thank you for those who attended the strike this week, you made your commander proud 😉
