CP Policy Paper

Day 3,512, 04:45 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Greetings eIreland,

I was sitting here thinking, how best to write this... how do I say, I want to do everything that I planned on doing this term, but failed... and make it sound good. Well to be honest there is no way in doing so.

I am running again for CP of eIreland, my policies will be the same as last term, but I hope this time around, international incidents will let me focus on domestic matters. Also I hope that some Irish people will join me in Cabinet so we can spread the work load around.

But enough about that, time to relook at the domestic and international policies I wanted to bring to you and I hope I can finally bring to you...

Department of Defence

The DoD was active during the war with France and the one with the UK, however while we are in a quiet period, it has been in-active. I have managed to convince the outstanding Kattiaa out of semi 2 clicking to come back to eRep to play my MoD. While she is at the helm, I will be instructing her to look into some of these things:

- Assessing a list of 5 targets for a war and deciding on which one to present to congress.

- Ensuring close communications with all allies to direct damage to those who are in need.

- Continuation of the DO's

- Update and overhaul of the top fighter threads.

Department of Foreign Affairs

While last term I wanted to re-asses our MPP stack, I wasnt thinking of growing it in size like we ended up doing. However this came about due to clear and present threats against eIreland. With this in mind, I would be proposing to congress to keep our MPP stack strong and like this term, it will be paid for privately.

The wars with France and UK, showed eIreland in a different light to many other nations, it has shown while we are not bullying others, we can still fight hard for our homeland. With this new found image in the eWorld, my government will try and project that across the vast lands. So with this in min😛

- Keeping a large MPP stack.

- Projecting our presence across the eWorld.

- Keeping an eye out for any form of potential trouble against eIreland.

- Projecting Ireland in a better light to the rest of the eWorld.

Department of Finance

While the MoF final report has not been released yet, I know eIreland has made a small profit, in part due to the low outgoings as well as the tax income made from the UK regions. However I will be trying to convince Nogin to spend some time in the DoF to do some MM moves, otherwise I will be filling in the role.

Also the MoF will get off the ground the growth program I wanted to launch last term. This is where I fell short and where I want to ensure it doesnt get push by the way side this term. In short, some of the plans will be:

- Continuation of the Money Market plays

- A renewed pushed for Org renting

- Look at potential region rental (friendly or hostile)

- Introduction of a growth scheme for young players

Department of Education

Another domestic area that got cast to the side this term, due to international happenings.... sorry 🙁 However, I realise that this is still something that is important to all and will be trying to get it up and running properly.

I could always rehash/edit old articles (I might still do it, depending on time restraints), but I would like to be able to give you the public something to work with and look forward too.


All in all, if you see somewhere that you would like to help out, please get in contact with me. Ireland is need of some good level heads to help take the momentum of two victories in war, to keep the growth of our community alive and active.

So if you fancy yourself as a word smith, a financial whiz or a specialist in another area, please speak up.

Rusty D
Congress Member for Omega Eireann