Central Bank of Nigeria: News of the day 2,519 [Edit]

Day 2,519, 07:22 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

Hello eNigerians!

Recently, the Congress decided to approve a law to Issue Money: 38,200 NGN for the value of 191 gold.

Coming soon will proceed to donate NGN to the Central Bank of Nigeria. The amount of NGN to be donated must still determine the government.

The amount donated to the Central Bank of Nigeria may be used for buying and selling currencies in the Monetary Market (MM). Eventually it may also be used in CO.

With respect to the MM, I mean that recently the price of gold and currency have changed. The gain we get is less than a few days ago. Are currently a NGN has the value of 0.005 gold and one gold has an approximate price of 201 NGN. While these values ​​are maintained well, I want to assure you that none of the gold will be sold at a value less than 200 currencies, as the cost to be issued to the Treasury was 200 currencies.

The economic module in this game currently does not allow for gains only reduce losses by obtaining production bonuses. However, the money market is an exception. The Monetary Market allows us to obtain gains, even minimal, without relying on production bonuses. You just have to behave responsibly, prolixity, organization, sense of opportunity and above all patience.

The path for a citizen to donate directly to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN):

The following are the steps the Ministry of Economy could carry out at case you need to donate money to the organization of eNigeria.

Initial situation:

Step One:
The CBN purchase at the marketplace one unit of raw food.

Step Two:
Place in the marketplace raw food for a high price, for example, 500 NGN.

Step Three:
A citizen buys the raw material of food.

Final situation:

Note: 5 NGN that are missing, correspond to import tax. The Central Bank of Nigeria is under the flag of Greece.

They lose only 5 NGN why food raw do not have VAT taxes. If at this transaction would be used weapons or units of food, loss of NGN donated by taxes would be higher.

General Administration of the Central Bank of Nigeria:

Prime Minister:
Andreas Mihai
Ministry of Economy:
Poncho Warrior