A bit of everything

Day 3,406, 04:11 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Hi eIreland,

Today's article will touch on a pile of different stuff, so please bear with me. I will try and have page breaks where it moves from one topic/hat to another. But by wrapping it up all in one paper, it saves me filling the news feed with different articles.

First up, Political

Omega Eireann

Omega Eireann, I was lucky enough recently to be elected to lead Omega Eireann for this coming political term. And as such, I would like to prepare it for the up coming democracy Ireland will soon move into and hopefully start to work on making it back into the power house of eIreland politics.

With the recent freeing of Shannon, eIreland holds a good chance of having a congress next term. I would strongly suggest all citizens who wish to take part in this congress, read up on rules regarding congress elections, which can be found here. One such rule which some might not remember or know about is this:

"If you applied for Congress in your party and the region from where you applied is conquered until 25th of the month at 00:00, you will lose candidacy.
You can avoid this situation if you are located in another region from your citizenship country until 25th of the month at 00:00. Once you got removed from the list, you can not be added back unless you reapply."
Found here

With this in mind, I would suggest to ALL Irish citizens running, no matter the party you belong, to move to a 'safe' region and nominate from there.

During this upcoming term, Omega Eireann will be sponsoring several different things to help the Irish community. These programs will be open to all Irish citizens, no matter their party affiliation. Please stay tuned for these programs.

Window Lickers INC military unit

Window Lickers INC is still on the look out for some good fighters. We will be doing a supply drop soon to all fighters of Ireland, so they can replenish any stocks of weapons that were used in regaining Shannon.

Also in this upcoming supply drop, we will be discussing in more detail the reward system and plans for the MU. This MU will be fighting for Irish interests as well as our friends and allies. While we are only small, we still have become one of the top hitting Irish MU's and this damage amount will grow even further. So it is a good time to come on board now.

Rusty D Business

I personally would like to say Thank You to the Irish fighters who bravely fought the other day for Shannon, as well as MKD for releasing that region and obeying their DO's. I know many expected a smooth and easy fight, but as always things dont go to plan and extra damage has to be wasted, rather then used for our allies. The CO's I set to ensure the success of the region hand over, is nothing much. To see a free Ireland, be it at 1 region at a time or all at once, is what every citizen of Ireland wants. So to those who played a part in it, Cheers

With the ability to open up our market place once again, I have placed job offer's to try and increase the production in my factories. They might not be the highest daily paid (200cc per day, max work limit 10 shifts per day), but it will help with production and taxes going into the state coffers. A new era is coming to Ireland and all together, we can ensure the rebuilding of a nation is successful.

I have also messaged our current MoF David in regards to setting up a Irish Development Scheme, which I hope can be eventually adopted by the state, to help Irish players from all different levels, to work towards a better Ireland. This idea will be privately funded and if successful, I hope it will be taken on board by whoever is in charge at that time.

Well enough waffling on from me, dont let my 'fan' club who will comment below deter you from the main parts of this article. But as always, any questions, please feel free to ask.

Rusty D