[Trito4CP] There'll be Some Changes Made

Day 3,755, 08:18 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

Citizens of the Republic,
In this article I am going to lay out some plans for my CP term, should I win the election on March 5th.

1. Dublin Commune
I'm going to reignite this idea from the Dictatorship Period. In addition to our Congress, we'll make our own in game thread which includes everyone active in eIreland. We can do this, because the admins have recently increased the number of people in a single thread from 30 to 50, and there are only around 50 active people in eIreland anyway. People will be selected for this thread if: they are a member of a political party or have fought in the past week, or respond to a "sign-up" article, or just show any sign of activity whatsoever. In this way, we can organize everyone easily, and make sure everyone is on the same page. This is much more inclusive than traditional congress, which will still exist to vote in game of course.

2. National MU
Another thing I plan to do is to officially make the Irish Army the national MU of eIreland, as it should be, as it was in the past, for many, many years.

3. TW?
After creating the Dublin Commune, my administration will quickly determine the popular opinion of eIrish citizens regarding the TW, and act appropriately.
My personal opinion on the TW is that although it is "safe", it's not too much fun, and our partners can be fickle sometimes.

4. Daily Orders
One last thing, I'm going to instruct my MoD team to provide daily orders article on a, hopefully, daily basis, again, as it was in the past, and as it should be now.
5. Cabinet
Vice President:
MoD Team:
W o t a n
MoFA Team:
Ethel Rosenberg
Flaco Jimenez
Thank you,
VP Trito Fisher