{eRep} CP Policy Paper

Day 3,390, 02:48 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Greetings eIreland,

I hope you are all doing well.

Shortly after releasing my previous article, I was contacted by the Party President of Omega Eireann to ask me about my plans and then endorse my run for eIreland CP. So first of all, I would like to take the time to say Thank You to them for having faith in my candidacy.

How ever before I go into my candidacy paper, I need to highlight a few things. As anyone who has been viewing the recent media feeds, you might of noticed a lack of election promises, DO’s and other government related articles. After being challenged/criticized about this, our current CP/Dictator Trito, appeared to lay claim to the seat of power until his dying days if Chance or Myself won the upcoming election (no mention on what would happen if his boyfriend Releasethe Stupid wins). While it is yet to be seen, if he does try an imitation of President Basher al-Assad and clings onto power while watching and killing his own people, or hopefully he puts eIreland first and hands power over to who ever wins a democratic election.

But with that in mind, my CP candidacy paper, will have sections highlighted based on which ever way Trito decides to go. So without further adu…

Country President

"While the President and congressmen don’t officially lose their positions, they are powerless as long as the Dictator is ruling the country. The congressmen and the President cannot propose or vote any laws, or give out citizenships. The President also loses all the control in wars, campaigns etc. In short, their roles and positions are purely cosmetic."
Taken from eRep wiki, in regards to Dictatorship

As you can see, the use of a Dictator, strongly hinders the role of a Country President. However truth be told, a country still can function whilst under a hostile dictatorship, albeit with their hands tied. Whilst I was CP in eAustralia, shortly after Black Specta initatied a MTO, eAustralia was still successful in running a nation. This is just some of the experience I can bring to the table, if Trito aka al-Assad, decides to keep a grip on power.

Life under Trito: If elected, your government will continue to act in the best interests of eIreland. This will include, Daily Orders relevant to eIreland and her allies (be it with MPP’s or without, since this is something the dictator is in control of), Competitions and Education articles, Foreign Affairs (albeit very limited, but they will ensure the good will of other nations), financial dealings to name a few. Also, if Trito aka al-Assad, chooses to stay in power, your government will look at the option of conducting a Civil War to remove his undemocratic grip on the ‘big boys’ chair. The money is available, without the need of selling a medal, but it will depend on clarification of the latest update to see if it is in the best interest of the nation.

Smooth transition of power: If Trito decides to follow in the footsteps of Cú Chulainn and other greats, your government will have much more control on making eIreland drunk great again. This will include for the CP:

- Relocating government Orgs and considering the ownership and usage to see if there is a potential rental market for them. As well as the Orgs being used for government functions and Money Market trading.

- Patching up friendships with our allies

- Smoothing over issues created by the past wayward administration

- Depending on result of ticket, a referendum on the course of eIrelands shape of power (dictatorship or not).

- The CP will be helping each and every department.

- Promoting the use of the Discord server.

- Taking advantage of the voices in the commune/congress.

- Speaking to the current occupiers of eIreland and coming to an agreement suitable to both parties.

- Frequent updates in the media as well as a chance for the public to question or suggest ideas.

Some of these things might be different after the time of the election, as it depends on what is the state of affairs come election day

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister will serve as the Country Presidents right hand man/woman in your government. As such they will be answerable to you the public as well as the CP. While I have a person in mind for this role, I am still waiting to hear back from them.

However, the role they will fill, will include these duties and goals:

- Work closely with the CP and all departments.

- They will be operating in opposite time zone of the CP, so the Irish government can act promptly to any changes in eRep as they happen.

- Assist the MoD in looking at what is the best way to assist our allies as well as the possibility of a TW and/or AS

- Assist with the DoFA in looking at potential region rents (depending on smooth power transition).

- Ensuring support of a revolution if one is required.

- Assist with the MoF in the role out of planned programs.
As with all positions, this will be closely monitored to ensure the minister is fulfilling their duty to eIreland.

Minister of Defense

With or without a smooth transition of power, the Minister of Defense is a role that needs to be filled by an active and knowledgeable player. As we have seen this month, when the position is occupied by someone who does not have a clue about battles, CO’s, strategies or even how to muster forces, eIreland suffers. eIreland launched a doomed AS and suffered a dual AS in return, which landed with ease. However, if we only go back to the previous month, we will see that when eIreland was hit by a dual AS, the raiders were beaten back into the sea due to great planning by an active CP and an active and smart MoD.

If elected, your government will be appointing an MoD who will:

- Ensure up to date DO’s are released and edited as battles progress.

- Weekly stats on damage done.

- Hints and tips on how to make the most of your damage.

- Reports from the battle field.

- Updates and suggestions on where our allies need damage.

- Liaison with all our allies and friends to ensure damage is placed where it is need the most.

- Working with the CP and PM to find a suitable Training War partner or AS target (depending on transition of power) to keep our fighters earning TP medals and helping our tax income (All planned Irish battles will take into account our friend’s situations).

- Drops with each DO, that will include: food, weapons and moving tickets.

Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is a role which is seldom seen, but one of the hardest working in all of eRep. They work behind the scenes, ensuring your nation is safe, goodwill is kept up, keeping in contact with friends and allies, as well as ensuring that any news that could affect their nation is passed on.

This role could be limited if there is no transition of power, however it will still survive and be an important role for eIreland. Your government will be ensuring the MoFA will be active in these area’s:

- Ensuring MPPs are signed and honoured (MPP signing power is dependent on handover)

- Working with the MoD on arranging any TW’s (can be done no matter who is in charge)

- Ensuring the return of good will with all of eIrelands friends. (can be done, however can be made harder by Trito/al-Assad)

- Ensuring eIreland is returned to its rightful place in eRep.

Minister of Finance

eIreland finances are something of a worry currently. At the start of the term, cuts were made to our MPP stack due to the limitation of funds. While some people claim, they can reverse the low income of our nation, the figures they have quoted are actually false and based on a lack of knowledge on game mechanics and money matters. But before I go into my governments plans to help stabilize and grow eIrelands money matters, I would like to inform the public on a few well known or maybe not so well known things…

Taxes and Occupation:

Countries can gain additional tax income from the regions they have conquered. The amount of currency collected through taxes is updated in real time both in the country treasury and in the Tax Revenue chart.
The taxes of country under partial or total occupation are divided between the occupying countries and the country that is occupied. The taxes are affected by the number of regions each country holds.

or basically 80% of income goes to the occupiers

Gold in the Countries Reserve:

To get gold out of the nation’s reserve (not Org, but in our actual government), the CP/Dictator has to propose a issue money law. This law in the past was actually something very useful, a CP could propose to change x amount of gold for cc (the rate was set at 1cc = 0.005 gold), however when the gold price went up, eRep never allowed the donate law value to go up (pegged to the market), which left the gold sitting in many government coffers worth less than 50% it would get on the open market. So for eIreland with 1,267 gold on the open market would be worth $525,805 cc (1g = 415cc), however due to this rule, in reality it is only worth $253,400 cc (1g = 200cc)

Tax Income:

As you can see from the above image, daily tax income is quite a lot of different revenue streams all added together to give the final amount. When a good MoF sits down to project a budget, they should look at each revenue stream and see how volatile it is, for example:

- Treasury Donations: Very volatile and should never be considered apart of tax in working out budgets

- Work as Manager: The most stable income figure, should be included in any budget figures.

- Combat Orders: Very volatile and should never be considered apart of the tax in working out budgets

- VAT: is dependent on sales, so should be semi considered, but also it should be the aim of a MoF to encourage more sales.

- Work: A stable figure to use and should be included in taxes.

- Medals: Volatile and should not be taken into account. However work should be done to encourage a TW, to allow this income stream to grow.

- Import Tax: Like VAT.

So where to next:

So with this in mind, your government will be instructing the MoF to do these things (all dependent on hand over of power):

- Set a budget for MPPs, Comps and any government assisted programs.

- Work with the CP and PM in revamping a more open and desirable market license system.

- Look at replicating the JDS for eIreland and helping young players grow.

- Ensuring any reclaim Orgs are rented out to help increase the income of the nation

- Consider the possibility of a region rent to help our home-based producers.

- Playing the Money Market to gain more profit on current savings.

- Roll out a grant scheme to help young producers set up in eIreland.

Minister of Education and Entertainment

With or with out power handover, your government will be providing a MoEE to help educate and entertain the citizens of eIreland. This will help keep everyone up to date with any changes in the game, to educate the citizens on different aspects of game play, as well as create some give aways and fun to be had.

Well I think I have dribbled on for quite a bit. But closer to the election day, I will be releasing a TL😃R recap of everything.

Thanking you all,
Rusty D
An expat abroad.

For other general musings, please take a look at my Orgs Newspaper: Here