[Debate] MoNC against CoC team

Day 4,334, 13:30 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by UNL Congress

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

a new debate has been started at the request of Congress member Jacen.Solo.

i want to open up a motion of no confidence against the CoC team.

for going against our constitution in the blacklist law update. (1.3.4. Laws have no retroactive power.)

Response of CoC

It has been explained numerous times in the blacklist debate, and in the mass Congress message, what does the article 1.3.4 mean and how it applies to the situation Jacen.Solo is talking about - removal of all previously active blacklist, after the new Article 2.9.4 was accepted by Congress. The MoNC procedure was started in spite of these explanations.

The proposal has been rejected.

Yes: 7
Neutral: 4
No: 17

Janty F and Shawtyl0w
CoC Team