[Congress] blacklist update

Day 4,270, 12:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by UNL Congress

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

Congress member BangIades requested the following debate be opened.

Topic: blacklist update.
Requester: BangIades

The proposal consists of three new paragraphs in Blacklist section:

Anyone who consciously and willingly fights against the Netherlands, its allies and in general against the military or strategic interests of the country, may be excluded from DAF and will not be able to participate in programs organized by the Government of the Netherlands.

On the exclusion of soldiers from DAF, on this basis, decision is made by the Command chain of DAF or in Congress by qualified (two-thirds) majority.

On disabling participation in programs organized by the Government of the Netherlands, on this basis, decision is made in Congress by qualified (two-thirds) majority.

Vote result.
yes/ja: 3
no/nee: 16
neutral/neutraal: 4

odan and blackpatje
CoC Team