War Report - Day 1

Day 839, 20:48 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

As the first day of the Third War for South African Independence winds down I want to take stock of Japan's role so far in the conflict. We have moved over a large majority of the JIN and IJAF to our froward operating base in Western Australia so far and have participated on the initial amphibious assaults on KwaZulu Natal so far.

IJAF Paratroopers secure a target behind enemy lines

The combined strength of Asia has so far proven to be a match for Argentina and her allies. The Argentinians retreated in the battle from KwaZulu Natal earlier partly in the face of superior firepower. However, this was also a strategic move as Brazil now borders Australia and has commenced an attack on KwaZulu Natal. By alternating between Brazil and Argentina attacking they can keep our Australian hosts locked out of initiative for a long while.

The map before us is daunting. Two enemies is more difficult than one

But our Japanese soldiers will persevere. Several branches of government are looking in to ways to increase our effectiveness as a fighting force. I also hope that our JIA home guard regiments will do their best to show support for their mobile comrades in arms. And while in Australia we will ensure that our troops are supplied with all the weapons they will need to fight. One soldier today went above and beyond that call. Shoi Whac is our newest Field Marshal, having attained the level after spending over 100 of his own gold in today's battle. Let us all congratulate him for his commitment to the cause and for his sacrifice for the Righteous Nation.

He's actually quite thrilled.

On the propaganda front, several days ago both EDEN and Phoenix joined together to decry the recent events in South Africa.


Now however, Phoenix HQ has put out a statement saying that by recent they meant 3 months ago, and by "eSouth Africa has been seized by a network of multi accounters" they meant "was seized". Tenses are hard sometimes, I know.


So, while we originally thought that Argentina and Brazil were taking these action on their own in defiance of common values shared by all nations, it seems that Phoenix has decided to back them in this endeavor. Hopefully they will soon see the Righteous Path and convince Brazil and Argentina to retreat from South Africa until after the illegitimate government has been dealt with. Until then however, Japan will stand alongside our allies in Asia and fight against these oppressors.

And now, let us hear the words of our divine leader, Emperor Kokawa I, Son of Heaven.

Dokomo> Kokawa, should we stand with Australia and South Africa and kick out the godless Channers and Brazilians?
Kokawa> In the wretchedness of 4chan, afroduck was born in /b/
Kokawa> Sure, slay them. God will know his own and all that
Dokomo> The Emperor has given his blessing to our endeavors
Dokomo> Let all of Japan prepare for WAR

In this, the 21st Year of the Kokawa Restoration, did the Emperor declare war upon Brazil and Argentina

Also: If you can, donate to the True Australian War Fund.