Powerspin Tier List

Day 5,244, 08:31 Published in Armenia Armenia by AG.trimafadzi

Jackpot: a way to convert cc into gold fast (if you're lucky to land this three times)
• Prestige booster: holy grail of powerspin

Damage accelerator: not so important as prestige booster because it is available from special missions and packs
• +200 energy center: more energy in the morning when you wake up!
stinger: rank and damage boost for pilots

x2 Energy bar: I'll take it, but nothing exciting
Triple energy bar: same as above

Small bomb: I hate the notifications
10 minutes damage booster 50%: piling up in the storage, maybe would be more useful for ground fighters
100 pp: it's like getting a penny
Free spin: a waste of everyone's time

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