NHL Playoff Predictions

Day 5,276, 18:27 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Its that glorious time of year again and thats beer drinkin playoff time. As a long suffering Oilers fan I'm happy to just be at the dance and shake off the last 2 years of playoff disappointment. I have a couple predictions and have placed a few bets.

The West

I think this is the year Colorado goes deep and with Nashville's starter being injured the Aves should cruise to an easy victory. Nice match up of Norris trophy finalists Makar and Josi. Colorado is going to feast on Rittich this series. The Nashies could steal a game or 2 but I'm betting against that.

Colorado 4-0 bring out the brooms.

This series could go either way and i'm not touching it with a 6 foot pole as far as betting goes. If I had to pick a team I'm going with Minnesota because Fleury.

Minnesota in 7

Calgary should win this series as they have played a heavy playoff type game all season and now there ready for the real deal. I hate them but I dont find Dallas that threatening they had alot of trouble down the stretch with close games against bottom feeders. Dallas is also a low scoring team and that wont help them against Calgarys strong offense.

Calgary in 6

Doughty is done for the season and Quicks not really what he used to be. My only fear is if Quick gets hot and or old man Smith gets injured. All bets are off at that point.

Oilers in 5

The East

Not much to say here, Florida is going to dominate and have paid there dues as far as bad playoff beats go. They are ready to go to the confrence finals this year for sure.

Florida in 5

I know Toronto is a good team and it pains me to say that but I just dont have faith in there goalies. Its going to be one of the better series in saying that I'm still going with Tampa here. I also wouldnt be shocked if there high flying offence takes the series either.

Im really on the fence about 4-2 or 4-3 Tampa.

Tampa in 6

Carolina is another good team but with there starter hurt and back up shaken up I dont have much faith.

Boston in 6

Pitts is finally starting to age out like Chicago and with Jarry injured Im giving it to the Rangers

Rangers in 6

My Bets this round