New Year's Ministry of Defense Review

Day 775, 07:15 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

Get in line, soldier!

The Ministry of Defense would like to remind all soldiers to read and subscribe to the JIA Reports newspaper so that you can receive the latest [ORDERS] and support your nation's operations!

New Year's Review

The Ministry of Defense weapons distribution program had some interruptions during the month of December due to the holiday season, but the military "revamp" that expanded the number of military orgs and access to weapons helped streamline the donation process. I think future Ministers of Defense will be very thankful for this, and it helps keep members of the military more active in-game.

The revamp has created some problems with accountability, however, and I have addressed this in the latest Ministry of Defense budget information, now available in the national forums here:

Apparently donations were made to sukoidha, an eUSA citizen (who received some donations from the National Bank of Japan as well). Another eJapanese citizen who was not on the military rosters, Terrys Ren, also received donated items from the JIA org. I am not suggesting anything unseemly at this time, but they bear further investigation. The JIA org also received 600 JPY a few days ago from the National Bank of Japan. I was unaware of the reason for this donation, nor did I request it. Not sure why it showed up, but it's there.

The end of 2009 was also busy for eJapan's military!


[NOTE: If you have applied for the military and not received a response (Shimiken), we received your application and are still processing it, pending a few details]

The goal of the military is to maximize the battle damage we can bring to battlefields in support of our allies and in our own defense. Since we cannot reasonably donate weapons to everyone in the country, to achieve this goal, we need high-rank, high-strength soldiers who can be relied upon to use high quality weapons in crucial battles. Depending on the funding made available by congress, the Ministry of Defense will open recruiting, and I hope that high-strength, long-time eJapanese who are not currently part of the operations will apply for mobile unit service. The goal of the training program is to encourage activity and promote new citizen retention, thus the lower weapon distribution. The following criteria for membership application to the JIA helps us identify who is most likely to be our most reliable soldiers in 2010.

Applications to the Japanese Imperial Army organization should include:

1) your current strength
2) rank and damage points
3) how many Q1 weapons you can provide daily on your own
4) if you would be willing to work in a company that produces weapons for the use of the JIA soldiers.
5) your future plans--if you are staying in Japan long-term, plan to run for congress, start a business


Mobile Units - those units whose members have password access to Q5 weapons stockpiles
-General rank and above
-strength minimum 11
-not a party president or member of congress

Regular JIA unit - receive 3-4 training weapons every two days
-lieutenant rank and above
-strength minimum 6.2
-positions will be given to the best candidates

Training unit - receive 1 training weapon per day
Citizens over one month old, but less than 45 days:
-at least 4.5 strength
-hard worker medal on your 30th day

Citizens over 45 days ol😛
-sergeant rank
-5.5 strength

-sign-in and actively post training results in the national forums
-use weapons for training everyday
-be available for training exercises
-follow instructions from chain-of-command
-notify chain-of-command in the case of absences or quitting

Promotion List
The Ministry of Defense would like to congratulate the following JIA members for their battle achievements and has promoted (or will soon promote) them to the respective ranks:



Minister of Defense