Military Expansion Underway!

Day 818, 14:47 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

Over the past weeks an awakening has occurred in Japan as more and more citizens gaze at the state of the world, and feel a deep desire to help see Japan safe in our tumultuous times. To help ensure the participation of our citizenry and bring greater activity to Japan, we have several programs that have been in the planning lately that we are ready to announce.

First, to cope with the influx of applicants the JIF is proud to announce the construction of two new ships to carry the JIN into the future. Navy staff made several recommendations to the Emperor, and His Imperial Majesty wisely chose for our newest ships to be called JINS Shokaku (翔鶴, flying crane) and JINS Konohazuku (木の葉木菟, Eurasian Scops Owl). Being our Imperial animal, the Konohazuku will be designated the flagship of the Emperor, and carries his personal blessing.

JINS Shokaku with her combat air patrol

Next, with help from one of our newest immigrants, Aussie-Vegeta, we have developed a training program that will help prepare and test soldiers in the duties of being a JIF soldier. Aussie-Vegeta will be in charge of putting this curriculum through it's paces as the first head of the National Defense Academy ((防衛大学校, Bōei Daigakkō, BoDai)

The President speaks at the NDA.

Two of our squads will be run through the two week training course with the goal of all JIF soldiers attending and passing the requirements in time. Aussie-Vegeta will be assisted by two trainers, Danyeo and Pupants. The first squads to enter the training program will be the crew of the JINS Shokauku; Lejina, Rampp, Fuyuhotaru, Eustachy_Kapusta, Nowe, and Angrr as well as the soldiers of JIA Ichikawa Rentai; exReality, Taishiji, sbkf, Terrys Ren, Illyama-Zion, and Pepsilon

Our newest officers are ready to begin learning!

Finally, we are congratulating our first promotions in the JIF. Geno Garon has been a long standing, trustworthy, and hard working member of the community, and so I am proud to award him the rank of Kaigun Chujo (海軍中将, Vice-Admiral)

For the activity and dedication to the community, Lejina and Sigrun Makinen are hereby promoted to the rank of Kaigun Chusa (海軍中佐, Commander)

As always, JIF Soldiers are highly encourages to spend time on IRC. Japan's official IRC Channel is #eJapan. Our soldiers stand ready to assist citizens and the nation. The forums also contain the newest roster so that everyone can fid out who their CO and squadmates are. If you have any questions about your assignments, send a PM to the JIA.

For the Empire!

Gensui Dokomo
Minister of Defense