JIF - Day 910 - Victory in Seoul, Orders, Korean Citizens

Day 910, 15:22 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

The Japanese Imperial Forces will now be shifting to a daily orders article to inform citizens where to fight. We try to have a training war going constantly, but the circumstances of war in Europe can place this on hold. For now, citizens can wait for a battle to open up involving our allies Croatia and Romania.

UPDATE: After a month, the admins have fixed the US's borders with Serbia. War will soon be declared. Every Mobile FM in the JIF is ordered to move to Karnataka, USA and prepare to complete the liberation of China.

Moving on, I am proud to announce that Japan has emerged victorious in the final battle for Seoul with South Korea. We salute our enemies for their tenacity and bravery as well as our soldiers and citizens who made this victory possible. Let us also thank our allies across the globe, from Croatia to Canada, China to the USA, we are honored by your assistance. The fighting has died down for now, but the final distribution of regions remains to be seen, as official and unauthorized Resistance Wars will flare up. Watch this newspaper to find out which battles are backed by the government.

Japan, US, and Canada sail together!

With the war many of our soldiers have ranked up, including a large increase in the number of Field Marshals and soldiers in general. To accommodate our increased numbers the JIF has added a new squadron, IJAF F-2 Kogekitai to carry our elite soldiers into battle.

Fine otaku craftsmanship goes into every plane

Finally, I want to offer a hand of friendship to our defeated foes in battle. I truly believe that together Japan and South Korea will be stronger than we were apart, and I want to offer everyone the opportunity to help make that dream a reality. Thus, it is the policy of the Ministry of Defense that South Korean citizens shall be allowed to apply for membership in the Japanese Imperial Forces. Japanese citizenship and residency will not be a requirement. Applicants will go through the same screening as all Japanese citizens do, and I expect any who apply in good faith will be approved. South Korean soldiers will be integrated among many units, and will have opportunities to gain rank and command positions, along with the organizational and financial responsibilities that go along with them.

King Sejong the Great, raised from defeat, shall be the next Naval Squad added to the JIN

Now that the 12 Day War is over, let us work together to secure a more prosperous future for both peoples.

Gensui Dokomo
Minister of Defense