JIA Kyushu Battle After-Action Review

Day 750, 05:01 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

All soldiers and citizens of eJapan who fought "berserk" (post-hospital use fights) in the battle for Kyushu are highly encouraged to use today's training war and a Q5 hospital to bring their wellness back up.

Also, if you have sent an application for JIA membership, we have received it and are processing it as quickly as possible. Once we submit the roster to the president for approval, we will notify you. Thank you for your patience!

Kyushu After Action Review

No Finer Heroes

The Defensive Wall

The wall's highest point on Day was at its highest point on Day 748 was 600K, but it quickly dropped to approximately -200K by the end of the day, through a combination of first-day hospital fights and two-clickers. By 5am on Day 749, the wall was back in the positive numbers, likely aided by eRussian two-clickers and Phoenix tanks.

Poliforous flees a horde of samurai after trying to release bogus orders!

Early in the battle, eJapanese soldiers caught a SPY, an eAmerican named Poliforous cleverly dressed as an "Asian man," but were unable to catch him as he fled back to the eUSA.

Japanese Imperial Army soldiers survey the hills near Kagoshima

The defensive wall was back up to 800k+ with about 45 minutes remaining, a seemingly insurmountable number, but the EDEN forces released their most secret weapon (see bottom of article for picture), driving the wall down at a rapid rate. However, it was not enough to drive the defense underground, and the final battle result was about 70K, resulting in eJapan securing Kyushu.

Through the battle, the eJapanese Ministry of Defense coordinated with various foreign volunteers and distributed just under 200 Q5 weapons, procured entirely from Nippon Weapons Q5. No funds were spend in the battle for Kyushu on foreign weapons. All Q5 weapons donated by the Ministry of Defense were produced using iron from Mugen Metalworks or Black Dragon Mining.

In the end, the KAMIKAZE--Divine Wind--prevailed

Thank yous

First, the operation would not have been possible without the assistance of many loyal eJapanese citizens. At times, the eJapan weapons market was bought out, likely due to citizens purchasing available inventories for use in battle. Aizawa Technologies, Order of Rhenus and Kyushu Company also made donations to the JIA during the battle.

A special thanks goes to no1kevlin who not only organized the deployment of a Q5 Defensive System free-of-charge to Kyushu, but also donated more than 100 Q1 weapons to the public in defense of his home region.

There are many more who assisted at least in small part, but are not mentioned here. Please know that the sincere gratitude of the eJapanese government is with you.

Other links

Some links to other interesting articles about the battle:
* Kyushu Battle Statistics
* A Battle Report from the eUSA Army Public Affairs Office
* A Manga from BattalGazi's newspaper, who had the Battle Hero Medal for our side
* Kyushu Member of Congress Peter McGoon's latest article
* Kyushu Member of Congress Sophia Forrester's latest article
* Kyushu Member of Congress no1kevlin's latest article


The Ministry of Defense is pleased to announce that the following JIA soldiers have attained the respective ranks listed below:

Jean-Luc Retard

Peter McGoon

There may be others who achieved promotion as well, but it has not been reported through the chain-of-command. We congratulate you, too! Keep up the hard work and training!

EDEN's last second deployment of their secret weapon--angry sheep--failed to bring down the defensive wall in Kyushu

Minister of Defense