I used to be a commandant

Day 5,481, 06:04 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Well I'm sure most of eCanada knows by now from a few over zealous members that yes we are recruiting new soldiers to fill our ranks. I'm not going to give the usual lines and vague reasons to join the BC organization. Mostly due to the fact I'm tired of typing paragraph after paragraph of information in private pm's on how we run and operate to potential candidates. This article should offer all the info you would want to know about us.

In case you didn't know BC was founded by e😜resident of eCanada bruck and other experienced players after the fall of eCanada during the summer. The CAF was under supplied and reorganizing for a counter offensive on our invaders and pretty much busy.
So as another option to supply ourselves and continue the fight we formed BC and recruited anyone intrested in another way to fight back. We trained and groomed many new citizens into soldiers to fight for the cause.
The old leadership has moved on to other greater things in politics and some into greater roles of the CAF. So the 2nd generation of BC wants to refill the ranks and train another generation of Canadian fighters.

We are in now way against the CAF and what they stand for. We are just an alternative and not being officially recognized by the govt have more freedom in the operations we undertake. Our current standing membership is 42 soldiers with 35 of them all being over level 17.

We have taken a few new recruits that are brand new to the game and have already undergone some form of training and learning. If your new and looking for active leadership and are generally intrested in this game and looking for more involvement we are a great choice. We want to have a standing unit of 50 soldiers divided into 5 platoons.

Currently we have 8 positions open in our organization. The only prefrences we have are you join and work for one of our companies, be active on our forum as well as with your platoon and LASTLY YOU MUST BE A MANUFACTURING WORKER.
I say this because we work and grow off of the companies we own and operate and both our land companies (Q3 Oil canuck Oil) & (Q2 Wood Canuck Wood) are fully staffed.
BC also has 2 Q1 weapons companies and a Q1 MT company. We are looking to fill these positions fast and becoming a well oiled war machine ready to defend the homeland or oversea's against PEACE invasions of other free nations.

When you work for us you will recieve shit pay so if your looking to make money we are not the way to go. But if your willing to share your skills and help out the soldier next to your through cooperation and organization sign up.
What we can offer you is a guarenteed armoury of 1000 Q1's held in reserve for critical battles and 200 MT's to head oversea's for any important RW's. On top of that whenever the armoury reaches 1250 guns 5 q1's a member will be supplied to every member regardless of military rank or current battle.
Use them in a Training war or oversea's battle the way we look at it is as long as you are recieving military xp and ranking up its good with us. With the addition of 8 new manufacturing worker/soldiers we should be able to supply every member with 5 Q1's every 3 days for any conflict. Right now its Canuck Moving is understaffed.
We have also implemented a new housing program and our goal is to make sure every BC member owns there own house and the first 2 are being raffled off randomly to members this week.

So to downsize real quick what BC can offer you training and mentorship, 5 Q1 weapons every 3 days, an active forum, great comraderie and a chance at a Q1 house every 2 weeks. So if you have any other questions leave a comment below or give me an in game pm.


Commandant of Brucks Canucks