Canada's Training War Situation

Day 4,764, 12:22 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

This article is late. And it will be short anyway.

All General Orders are subject to change with little notice. Check national feed and private messages for the most up to date info.

Canada has 7 Training Wars:

We have a ping pong with Poland. This means the defender always wins. Unless otherwise told, Poland will win attacks on BC, Canada will win attacks on Yukon.

We have a ping pong with Iran. This means the defender always wins. Unless otherwise told, Iran will win attack on Alberta, Canada will win attacks on Saskatchewan.

We have a ping pong with Italy. Unless otherwise told, Italy will win attack on Montana, Canada will win attacks on Saskatchewan.

We have a traditional war with Serbia. This means that Serbia wins all direct attacks (with MPP's) and Canada wins all Resistance Wars. Unless otherwise told, Serbia will win all attacks on Canada, Canada will win all Resistance Wars against Serbia. The regions for this are Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. If you see an attack versus Serbia in a different region other than these 3, double check the orders on the national feed.

We have a ping pong with United Arab Emirates. Unless otherwise told, UAE will win attacks on New Brunswick, Canada will win attacks on PEI/Nova Scotia.

We have a ping pong with Lithuania. Unless otherwise told, Lithuania will win attacks on PEI/Nova Scotia, Canada will win attacks on Nova Scotia/PEI. (It's confusingly put because of current circumstances. Check national feed and messages for up to date info.)

We have a ping pong with Portugal. Unless otherwise told, Portugal will win attacks on Newfoundland, Canada will win attacks on Nunavut.

We also have Romania sitting on NWT. This is providing us with 100% production bonuses in food, weapon and air production. Any RW started here will be defended by Romania. You will get benched if you support here. It is in your best interest to not start a Resistance War. (Heavily emphasized because many people are trying to start something.)

Follow orders, win gold, make Canada strong.