Adójelentés az új világ 1925. napján

Day 1,925, 01:12 Published in Hungary Hungary by szekely ostor


Eljött az idő, terítsük az asztalra,miből mennyi gyűlt össze az elmúlt hetekben. De mindenekelőtt, kérem engedjétek meg üdvözöljünk egy új adófizetőt Szankcio személyében az arany-listán (ha megengeditek ezt a szójátékot ..). Sok medált kívánok 🙂

Bikkin köszönöm a kenyereket 🙂

Utolsó adójelentésnél igy áltunk: 313,62 ARANY és 42367,20 HUF

Akik utaltak:

Macskassy Gordon has transfered 0.05 Gold to your account. 21 days ago

Mister Kiba has transfered 0.02 Gold to your account. 21 days ago

Szankcio has transfered 0.5 Gold to your account. 21 days ago

T0RONY has transfered 0.1 Gold to your account. 21 days ago

szemi has transfered 0.01 HUF to your account. 21 days ago

Iron_Hun has transfered 0.5 Gold to your account 21 days ago

Vandecastele has transfered 1 Gold to your account. 21 days ago

HunVeteran has transfered 0.1 Gold to your account. 21 days ago

holycraft has transfered 0.5 Gold to your account. 21 days ago

Casavier has transfered 0.06 Gold to your account. 21 days ago

Bikkin has transfered 0.01 Gold to your account. 21 days ago

NoobPower has transfered 1.7 Gold to your account. 20 days ago

Macskassy Gordon has transfered 0.05 Gold to your account. 20 days ago

Szankcio has transfered 0.5 Gold to your account. 20 days ago

Aladar Cseh has transfered 0.1 Gold to your account. 20 days ago

Flying Cangaroo has transfered 0,01 Gold to your account. 19 days ago

szemi has transfered 0.1 Gold to your account. 19 days ago

HuMaVi has transfered 0.02 Gold to your account. 19 days ago

rundown has transfered 0.02 Gold to your account. 19 days ago

praetorianus74 has transfered 1 Gold to your account. 19 days ago

Qayl has transferred 0.1 Gold to your account. 19 days ago

HuMaVi has transfered 0.01 Gold to your account. 18 days ago

Qayl has transferred 0.02 Gold to your account. 18 days ago

green-eyed has transferred 0.07 Gold to your account. 18 days ago

HuMaVi has transfered 0.02 Gold to your account. 17 days ago

Mister Kiba has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 16 days ago

HuMaVi has transfered 0.02 Gold to your account. 16 days ago

Macskassy Gordon has transferred 0.05 Gold to your account. 16 days ago

has transferred 0.89 Gold to your account. 15 days ago

green-eyed has transferred 0.63 Gold to your account. 14 days ago

Mister Kiba has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 14 days ago

Mister Kiba
has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 14 days ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.02 Gold to your account. 14 days ago

Ryan Prologik has transferred 0.2 Gold to your account. 14 days ago

Ryan Prologik
has transferred 0.3 Gold to your account. 13 days ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 13 days ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 12 days ago

green-eyed has transferred 0.05 Gold to your account. 11 days ago

has transferred 0.04 Gold to your account. 11 days ago

Mister Kiba has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 11 days ago

Mister Kiba has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 11 days ago

NightwatcherHUN has transferred 1 Gold to your account. 10 days ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.02 Gold to your account. 10 days ago

cooty has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 10 days ago

Zoli has transferred 0.02 Gold to your account. 10 days ago

Betyu has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 10 days ago

green-eyed has transferred 0.21 Gold to your account. 10 days ago

Mister Kiba has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 9 days ago

Szempy has transferred 0.05 Gold to your account. 9 days ago

Macskassy Gordon has transferred 0.05 Gold to your account. 9 days ago

Bikkin has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 9 days ago

Mister Kiba has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 7 days ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.02 Gold to your account. 7 days ago

Bikkin has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 7 days ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 6 days ago

Zoli has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 6 days ago

Ben Sherman Mustafa has transferred 0.1 Gold to your account. 6 days ago

szeredai has transferred 2 Gold to your account. 6 days ago

kovex has transferred 0.1 Gold to your account. 5 days ago

Mister Kiba
has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 5 days ago

Recsek has transferred 0.32 Gold to your account. 5 days ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 5 days ago

CheDavid has transferred 0.3 Gold to your account. 5 days ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 4 days ago

kovex has transferred 0.1 Gold to your account. 4 days ago

Macskassy Gordon has transferred 0.05 Gold to your account. 3 days ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.02 Gold to your account. 3 days ago

Aladar Cseh has transferred 0.1 Gold to your account. Yesterday

Aladar Cseh has transferred 0.1 Gold to your account. Yesterday

4RN0 has transferred 0.03 Gold to your account. Yesterday

Macskassy Gordon has transferred 0.05 Gold to your account. Yesterday

Bikkin has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. Yesterday

Mister Kiba has transferred 0.01 Gold to your account. 23 hours ago

HuMaVi has transferred 0.03 Gold to your account. 16 hours ago

szekely ostor has transferred 0,05 Gold to Adóhivatal account. now

Az adó alapja az ARANY, és a toplistába nem vesznek részt a valuta fizetők meg azok valuta adománya sem, akik vegyesen fizetnek.


Ha valaki nevet cserélt írja meg PM-be. NEM DETEKTÍVESKEDEK ki kicsoda. Másrészt, ha tudtok oly játékosokról akik adófizetők voltak de a játékot abbahagyták vagy végleges bánt kaptak, írjátok meg kommentekbe a cikk alá.

Jelen pillanatba az ADÓHIVATAL kasszájába a következő összegek találhatóak meg:
327,30 ARANY és 42367,21 HUF

A teljes gold összeg így jött be: 271,36 gold utalásokból és 55,94 gold monetary alkalmazás során. Szóval, az utolsó adójelentéstől 21,11 aranyat utaltak be az adófizetők.

Aki részt akar venni eme akcióba, annak egyébb dolga nincs, mint felvegyen a barátlistájára, és medál szerzéskor (BH, RH, CH vagy mercenary) utalja B legalább a minimális összeget, amely 0,01 GOLD. Nem érdekel miféle századba van, milyen ÁP-val rendelkezik és miféle politikai beállítottságú. Ez egy játék, és használjuk ki. A PÉNZT A HAZÁÉRT FOGJUK FELHASZNÁLNI !

Nem fogadok el előre fizetéseket, mivel nem tudom követni.

Itt a vége, fuss szerezz medált és utalj az Adóhivatalnak.

szekely ostor