A Rylde Christmas story part 1

Day 5,508, 07:18 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Lower 90's as I was still a pre teen of alberta and we travelled to NWT regulary as the grampa was there and most of the family.

We had a pug dog his name was Otis yes named after the movie. He was a dirty dog which meant it was easier to house him in a kennel rather than take him with us that dec 20.

We placed Otis in our usual mid town vet clinic for plans of our usual X-mas vakay.

Lets be clear here he was my dog, I loved him and he was my dog, all 15 pounds of him.

I celebrated christmas as a 13 year old would with extended family.

but yet, something was off. The Josh could feel it.

Mom told me we had to leave on boxing day. I argued and was beside myself as a pre teen would be declaring i would stay behind and she could go back alone.

Not really noticing the tears she held back she told me what was up.

Pugs are all head and all neck if you never knew. Our family vet used his family on xmas day to take the kennel dogs for a walk.

They made the mistake of putting a choke chain on Otis which he easily sliped out of xmas day and ran.

I'm not gonna lie you can look it up 1995 decemeber was cold as F&%* in alberta and the Otis was on the Loose.

Mom declared we were heading home and it never really sunk in until we were on the road going home that my dog was gone and we had to try to go find it.

And how the hell we pay that white man money to lose our 1500 pure bred dog we named Otis who had papers naming him Xavier Blue (which is an awesome name btw) who's lines could be traced back farther than tha our bottom of the barrel vet.