3 years or 4?

Day 4,509, 07:02 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Frack how longs it been. 3-4 years. I LEFT POOR MARY cHAN HANGIN WHEN I GOT DOGGED out by the boring do gooders. There the ones made me quit. damn good guys banding together and shit.Corona covid hs me drunk indoors so I thought id make a drop in. of hello. piss off now back into meretirement.

Or as the Venga boys would say ?

hOLY CRAP I'm UNEMPLOYED. Kinda like right now and such and things. fracking over 3-0 and outta a job jesus you shoulda hung out longer for more of the me.

Them damn kids eat to much fresh fruit there days its not even the nans or the apps but my lil me loves the pffftt who the frack wants to hear that my kids diet lame.

So where's the war boys?

Day 1