[ORDERS] Fight for Beijing!

Day 813, 19:31 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army
ORDERS - Fight for Beijing! This is a must win for China to retake the offensive!
(Oh noes, I just told GLadOS and Phoenix our secret plans)


First, a review of recent events. After the Chinese rejected Phoenix demands for a NAP, Russia retaliated by invading Liaoning and Xinjiang. Our MPP with China was activated and we rushed to the aid of our friend and neighbor. Sadly, we were unable to stem the Russia Horde, but were able to keep the wall high through most of the day, showing that China, Japan and allies were able to best the Russian population. It was only when Phoenix brought tanks with gold backing them that the walls fell.

The Russian Horde crashes into the wall in the final minutes

Now, China has region swapped with the Phillippines, restricting Russia to being able to attack the Fortress Region of Beijing only. As of now they have not done this. If this state persists China will be able to retake the initiative tomorrow and perhaps counter attack Russia with the full force of their allies. On Day 814 all Japanese Soldiers and Civilians should get to max wellness. We will need to be in our best shape for further battles.

The Emperor faces one of the mighty Russian Demons in battle

On Day 815, assuming normal training wars resume we will carry out our originally planned mass attack on the current training war target at 18:00 server time. Fight at that time with a JIF avatar (contact Tanaka Fujimori for an overlay) and let's keep working for a stronger Japan.

Applications for the JIF are still being taken. New members will be approved on the 20th.

Let this message go forth throughout the Empire!

Gensui Dokomo
Minister of Defence