[ORDERS] Extended Deployment to Australia

Day 838, 19:44 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army
Move to Western Australia and wait for WAR!

For the past several weeks the government has been concerned about several PTO's going on around Asia in many of our allied nations. As of Friday, it appears that South Africa has been struck by a rogue President. Argentina and Brazil are now in control of the majority of South African territory through retreats of a rogue President. Our Sol and EDEN allies in Australia have been proactive to assist South Africa and to remove a security threat to all of Asia by declaring war on Argentina. In 4 hours the Third War of South African Liberation will begin.

They will not give up!

As befits our Righteous Nation, Japan shall be there to aid Australia and the Provisional South African Government. All Navy and IJAF personnel should be receiving enhanced daily supplies for the duration of this campaign. All mobile soldiers should move to Western Australia and be ready to fight tomorrow.

JINS Yamato takes the lead in the fight against Argentina!

Japan will also be deploying 10 Field Marshal's for this war. As our soldiers have gained experience in the months since the founding of the JIF we have brought more and more strength to the nation. To concentrate on bringing this power to bear we will next be concentrating on expanding the Imperial Japanese Air Force and recruiting to fill the spots opened in the JIN.

Our enemies will come to fear the skies!

Gensui Dokomo
Minister of Defense