[ORDERS] Defend Xinjiang from Russian attack!

Day 831, 20:26 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army
Defend Xinjiang from Russian attack!

What ho! I am rudely called away form work to discover that our hated enemy of Russia has once again chosen to invade China? Have they forgotten what happened last time?

Bayonets hurt Comrade!

Let us throw back these invaders before they pillage more of Asia! As always, weapons will be distro'd with preference given to those on IRC.

And now, allow me to pontificate on Russia and Indonesia's actions. I imagine many Japanese citizens look on and wonder why these wars take place. To put it simply, every war in eRepublik revolves (or at least should) around High Iron. Right now there is one notable High Iron Region in the hand of a Non-Phoenix, Non-Original owner: Karnataka.

Gensui Dokomo surveys the battlefield

Yesterday, the US and India agreed to a deal for the lease of Karnataka, such that both countries will benefit from the economic and geographical advantages. Phoenix sees this as an ongoing threat, and would like to take Karnataka back to empower the former Empire of Indonesia. Seeing as how Russia is attacking Xinjiang, a region that borders India, and thus a path to Karnataka, I can assume reasonably that Russia will be heading there with haste. Indonesia as well has invaded Thailand to gain a border with India and attacked Malaysia to gain an open war with them, clearing the way for their return to Empire. It remains to be seen if Iran will join in this brawl.

The Japanese Navy stands ready to demolish Russia . . AGAIN!

But Japan and China's allies have the chance to stop this nefarious plan. The United States has proven itself to be different from the Phoenix occupiers of Asia; working with a host nation and acceding to their demands. In that spirit of good will, Japan and China will stand with India and the US to defeat further Phoenix encroachment. So Fight! Fight with all you have to stop this unwarranted attack on Asian Sovereignty!

Russian Battleship Orel, after encountering the Japanese Imperial Navy

Gensui Dokomo
Minister of Defense