[ORDERS] Buy a house! Eat good food! Work at high wellness!

Day 889, 23:56 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

This has been an active month for the Japanese Imperial Forces. We have retaken nearly all of South Africa, lost and won Western Australia, and stand poised to defend the homelands of our allies in Europe.

But all of this excitement and fun comes at a cost. Material stocks in Japan are at historic lows. During Congress elections Japan ran out of Moving Tickets, which we need to get mobile soldiers to important battles. Even now we suffer shortages of q1 weapons which are the bread and butter of our damage making ability. And finally we continue to get low production out of Nippon Weapons Q5 which we desperately need to equip our strongest soldiers.

What does this have to do with you, a non JIF solider? In some way, you and others like you can solve these problems. Japan has many workers toiling away at sub-90 wellness. Working at higher wellness means you produce more tickets, more guns, more food. And Japan needs all of that now more than ever.

So, to everyone in Japan, make use of the resources available to you. the Japanese government will gift it's citizens freely up to 90 to help you get started. Contact Danyeo and Miyazaki Miho for assistance. Next, use the gold you have saved up and buy a house. In all seriousness there is nothing better you can do for yourself than own a house. I purchased my Q5 house over 6 months ago and it has not just saved me money, it has allowed me to work at high quality jobs like Q4 and 5 and enabled me to make more money than before. Look through the forums, talk to your friends, find a seller, but BUY A HOUSE. And of course, finally, avail yourself of the cheap and high quality food in Japan every day.

If our citizens can get their wellness up Japan will be able to recover from the strategic shortages that we face today. And with these problems resolved we can continue to open up the military to more members and more activity. So please, keep your wellness above 90 when you work, do your part for Japan. Ganbatte!

Gensui Dokomo
Minister of Defense