[MoO] RoSe Reset Incoming: Day 3,795 UPDATED [08:05 ER57]

Day 3,800, 09:03 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

Dear Canadians,

In the coming days, a reset will be performed between us, Serbia, and Romania. That being sad, we need to make sure we follow the rules of this reset so it goes smoothly.

This is how it works:

We fight for Canada in one RW for each region (Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon) against Serbia while we are Natural Enemies against them and then we lose RW as normal, and we lose all direct battles, and then when we are Natural Enemies with Romania, we win one RW for each region (Quebec, New Brunswick, PEI) against them and then lose those RW as per normal, and we lose all direct battles.

Now this may not be popular for some people, but let's leave the politics till later, and get this done, in Solidarity with our Allies who have graciously given us protection.


Minister of Offense,

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