[MoD] New mission begins!

Day 1,505, 12:06 Published in India India by Indian Armed Forces

Today missions end. But not in India!

To make your game more pleasant, enforce our relation with Albania and let you earn some extra money, the Government decided to introduce new extra mission for eIndians!
The only requirement, which you must meet, to take this mission, is having Indian CS.

What you have to do?
It's simple!

The damage shall be posted on Indian forum. http://forum.erepindia.com/index.php?topic=826.0

Every 100k damage is 300 INR!

Here is the first Resistance War!

Reward unfortunately isn't sponsored by Plato, but King Hannibal of ASIA and Ashwamedh are even better than him! 🙂

The mission will last till the end for current CP term - 5th January.

Jai Hind!
Minister of Defense